Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sometimes I am such a piece of shit...

Seriously. I'm really starting to not like the person I am right now...and I have no idea how I got this way.

Anyway, I'm sure most of this is just part of my "I was really, really drunk last night" emotional hangover thing I get the day after. At least I was able to go back to sleep this morning. I really wanna rock the blanket cave today though.

Aside from the drinking last night there was also sushi. And general debauchary. All in all, not bad.

Oh and here's something to top off my mood....Garrett literally just called me from San Francisco. He, Cara, and Chad randomly decided it was vacation time and drove up there. I guess Journey came on while they were driving and it made him think of me. I miss him. AND I AM SO FUCKING JEALOUS RIGHT NOW. Ha.

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