Friday, June 27, 2008

Moments lost though time remains

I was off today. I had some interesting times. I realized something awesome once I got home tonight, and I realized some other awesome things while I was out. I need to sleep soon. I am eating the most delicious cheesecake ever, (it is covered in chocolate!), and drinking beer, and Ryan (Ross' brother) is playing Burnout on the Xbox. Random things are making their ways through my brain. Here are some.

*Garth's blog, babyfight, always reminds me of How is babby formed?

*I am seriously SAD about George Carlin. The world needs more obnoxious assholes, as long as I'm not dating them and they're actually funny and insightful.

*This city amazes and surprises me every fucking day. I've never felt more at home in my life.

*My hair is the absolute perfect color since the dye job this morning

*Six Feet Under still rules the second time around

*I should wear dresses more often.

The End fucktarts.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Thunderdome and other happenings...

I went to the Death Guild Thunderdome party the other night. Probably the best, most fun night I've had since I've been here. Ross fought a dude in the dome, it was awesome. Lots of violence, great music, lots of drunkenness, check some pics here and here because they do a much better job of getting across the happenings than I would just describing them. (Pics are not mine, just some I found on the web)
You can see me in the background of some of the pics at the first link. I was smashed.

Had some other very good times last week. All in all life has been win++. Well, other than my sinus infection. It is not very fun, but I'm a big believer in "powering through it"...ha.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Lordy Lord.

Days are going by and maintaining in awesomeness. Every day I wanna jump around and kick people in the face, and I mean that in the best of ways. I have this whole violently happy thing going. I also wanna makeout with like everyone I see. I'm sure those things are connected. N E WAYZ (as the cholas say)...
I'm gonna be uploading some more pics soon, and there are a few over at my tumbleblog to check.
Now I must make with the shower and the clothing.