Friday, June 29, 2007


(18:33:02) Chris Bennett: i just made a baby cry

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My dinner was bomb...

I made chiles rellenos for the first time. Here's the recipe, yo.

3 poblanos, roasted and skinned. Basically to do this you just stick them under the broiler for 15 minutes or so with some olive oil, take them out when the skin is black and blistered, toss 'em in a paper or plastic bag and seal it up pretty well for about 10 minutes, take them out and peel them with your hands under some running water. Super easy. Cut a slit in them and get the seeds out of there, I find running water helps a lot with this step as well.

For the filling I used half a link of soyrizo, two pattypan squash(one yellow, one green, both fairly small as I got them from the Esco farmer's market), and about half a container of mushrooms. I diced up the squash and mushrooms, sauteed them with some salt and pepper until A LOT of the water had cooked out and they had shrunk a bunch, threw the soyrizo in there and sauteed that some more to get a little texture and crisp on the sausage.

For the batter, take two eggs, seperate them, beat the whites until frothy and the yolks just a bit. To the whites stir in 1/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup milk, and about 1/8 to 1/4 tsp baking soda. Then fold the yolks in.

Take a little baking pan, I used a brownie pan, and spoon about half of the batter into the bottom. Stuff the stuffing into the slits in the peppers. I found the easiest way to do this was to cradle the peppers in my left hand, one at a time, while using my right hand for spooning and stuffing....messy, but it works. As each one is done, put it in the pan. Once they're all done, sprinkle them with shredded cheese. I used Monterey Jack cause I'm a cheapass, but you can use any soft, white Mexican cheese as well. Then pour the rest of the batter over that. It's not going to be enough to completely cover it like a cassarole or anything, just more like a little shell.

Now bake that at 375 for 30 minutes or so. I topped mine with some hot sauce and sour cream. It ruled.

My shoulder started to feel better today, which is how I was finally able to cook, but it's not 100%. I don't know that I should've done that much, cause it feels a little pinched, but I'm getting steroid shots tomorrow anyway so fuck it.

Links for 2007-06-27 []

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Not that I eat much fish anyway...

but I guess it's time to start paying more attention to the fish I do eat.


So I looked over the paper my doctor gave me and it says tendinosis not tendonitis so I've been reading a little about it this morning, cause I had no idea what that meant: Home Page (research into tendinosis, tendinitis, and chronic tendon injuries)

"When tendinosis in an upper extremity is at its worst, people often
have trouble performing even the simplest daily tasks such as opening
doors, brushing teeth, shampooing hair, cutting and stirring food,
tying shoes, turning pages of books and magazines, picking up children,
and writing checks."

Haha. That's exactly what I'm going through right now. It's pretty fucking frustrating. Everything is so up in the air.

I had my first physical therapy appointment yesterday. I have two more this week. They hooked these electrodes up to the muscles in my shoulder and used them to stimulate the muscles. It was very weird and neat...haha.

Anyone wanna come be my maid?

Links for 2007-06-25 []

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Diagnosis is....

I have bicipital tendonitis and myofascial strain. I start physical therapy on Monday. I hate my job.

Multimedia message

Waiting for my xrays at work...yay for work injuries!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Links for 2007-06-17 []

Links for 2007-06-16 []

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fishes have no goods metals to listen to...

So Ozzfest is totally free this year so I'm totally going. I GET TO SEE LORDI! ALSO NILE WILL MAKE MY EARS BLEED. It's gonna be so good and so so so so bad at the same time. If anyone else has decided to brave the unwashed suburban metal masses for the dry, stank smog of Devore, California let me know.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Links for 2007-06-03 []