Monday, January 08, 2007

My dreams erupt while in my bed.....

I just woke up. I had a dream my sister and I won a house in California from some weird contest thing we decided to enter. My friends (I believe it was Raeven and Garrett) went out to a swamp to find tadpoles for me to make me happy but they couldn't find them. So they brought me back some frog eggs in one bag.....and an AXOLOTL in the other one! I was super excited but then the axolotl was little and scary looking and I was afraid to touch it and it kept trying to crawl out of the bag cause somehow with its pure evil it could open the zip-lock part. So I kept futily trying to close this bag and not crush it but also not come in contact with it at all. I think I woke up during this epic struggle...haha. My mind is so strange sometimes.

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