Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I forgot how fucking boring and frustrating looking for a job is. It's been far too long since I've done it. I don't even really want a job, I just for some reason think I should get one. It would be much easier if someone was just like "Hey, wanna work here?" and I could be like "Uh...I guess"....curse the person who gave me this lazy disease.

Also, I'm fairly certain that I'm dying. Either that or my body doesn't like my steady diet of liquor, cigarettes, and coffee but seriously, how likely is that? Good thing I don't have health insurance or I might be forced to go to the doctor. I guess I could start taking vitamins or something. I had a dream yesterday that I was utterly gorging myself on pieces of nearly raw steak so maybe I'm just iron deficient...haha.

Also....I think I had way too much truth serum yesterday.

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