Friday, July 31, 2009

I rule.

(9:47:24 AM) Charles: some how i think you do any walk of shame with a shit eating grin
(9:47:29 AM) Charles: and bed head
(9:47:45 AM) Marie: pretty much
(9:47:46 AM) Marie: haha

Monday, July 27, 2009


This raven:
Other Raven Parent
Plus this raven:
Raven Parent
Equals baby raven!
Baby Raven
He's all beak and I ♥ him. His parents were giving him a flying lesson today once the island closed after day tour which is when I took all of these pictures.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dead Man's Bones

This is Ryan Gosling's band. I've given up fighting it. I'm seriously obsessed. I want to live in his voice.

Name in Stone:

In the Room Where You Sleep, Live:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I disappoint myself.

(9:23:59 PM) Marie: fuck. i just fell in love with a random song i discovered
(9:24:06 PM) Marie: then i found out that it was ryan goslings band
(9:24:08 PM) Marie: hahaha
(9:24:17 PM) Marie: "hey girl. want me to sing a beautiful song for you?"
(9:24:55 PM) Chris: ahahaha

Gather, Form & Fly

There's no 4 for Friday this week because I've had too much on my plate and basically totally forgot and now it's Saturday night and I finally have to go back to work tomorrow morning.
As consolation I offer you this:
Gather, Form & Fly
The new Megafaun album. It's available for streaming from Pitchfork. I am fucking obsessed with it. You might end up being fucking obsessed as well.

Friday, July 24, 2009

More birds on my wall...

Finished the cranes on Sunday, added the avocet this morning:
Finished the north wall.
Closeup of the avocet:
Also added a little crow:
Little Crow

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vale et bona fortuna.

It's been a week of opposites and extremes for sure. I've said goodbye to two very important people. In two very different ways. Which will now be conveyed through youtube videos of songs that sum them both up because I <3 the internet and this is how the kids roll now:

Reunion '09. So. Good.


And now it's come to an end. It was so awesome, really one of the best times I've had. I can't even begin to describe how much it got me back to the right place in my head again.

Monday, July 20, 2009


In less than two hours Garrett is going to be here! SO FUCKING EXCITED!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Right now I want to climb a big rock. The way I used to. Use all my muscles and make them sore.

Or just punch someone in the face. Or punch a wall.

Or climb a tree. I want to run down the beach as fast as I can until I run out of breath.

I want to throw glasses into waterfalls in Vegas like I did that one night in 100 degree heat.

I want to be mean. I want to show his wife every sad goth boy love letter he ever wrote me. I want to tell her that the only reason he's really crawling back is because I told him no too many times.

The next time a friend falls in love with me I'm kicking them in the balls.

Ryan Adams - Hard Way To Fall

Me, Ryan, and a bottle of whiskey in bed. That's the cliche way my life is rolling today. This morning feels like a bad fucking dream.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

If I could have my way, we'd take some drugs, and we'd smile...

This version surpasses the album version in so many ways. Still one of my Ryan Adams favorites

Birds on my wall...

I painted today....

Cranes I just painted on my wall


"Reality" is such a weird thing...

Most of the time I get to live in NeverNeverland. Thanks San Francisco! However, I get brought back to reality when I talk to my mother, who decides to remind me that I'm 28 and old and that the world is fucking sad when she telling me things like:

Oh your cousin Matthew has a baby. And he and his wife are both getting shipped out to Afghanistan.

I used to change the diapers of Matthew's older brother Andrew when he was a baby. I clearly remember this because he liked to do that thing that baby boys do where as soon as the diaper comes off it's time to pee everywhere!

What the hell world? So many things about this tiny tidbit of news make no fucking sense to me.

Friday, July 17, 2009

4 for Friday

High Five to the Universe. For Reals.

1. The Knife - Girls Night Out ...and we laughed at the moonlight far beyond. and we ran through the moonlight far beyond.
2. Placebo - Special Needs Just 19 this suckers dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
3. Kings of Leon - Cold Desert Everyone noticed, everyone has seen the signs. I've always been known to cross lines
4. Magnetic Fields - You're My Only Home I will hide what you want hidden and I'll roam if you say roam but I'd just as soon you didn't because you're my only home

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Take Ecstasy With Me

God I kill myself

(9:46:53 PM) Marie: watching clueless....why could i have not had a hot step brother like paul rudd
(9:47:04 PM) Charles: haha
(9:47:15 PM) Charles: i would have gotten shot down
(9:47:24 PM) Marie: it would have been some shit like that movie with buffy and ryan phillipe
(9:47:25 PM) Marie: ha
(9:47:43 PM) Charles: anal jokes?
(9:47:56 PM) Marie: haha except you know, for reals
(9:48:54 PM) Charles: the jokes or the anal?
(9:49:00 PM) Charles: ha
(9:49:20 PM) Marie: the anal, obvs

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am disappointed in half of the people I know

(10:55:26 PM) Marie: god everyone that thought secretary was a hot movie must have the tamest sex lives ever
(10:55:33 PM) Marie: also maggie gyllenhaal is gross
(10:56:32 PM) Charles: i described it as child abuse sold as romantic S&M the other day
(10:56:42 PM) Marie: haha it was just fucking trite
(10:56:57 PM) Marie: like if i want a fucked up fetish movie starring james spader its gonna be crash every fucking time

Thursday, July 09, 2009

The best thing anyone has ever said to me:

"God, why am I a romantic and you a nihilist??"

Monday, July 06, 2009

Must save the runt.

(11:27:16 PM) Marie:
(11:27:21 PM) Marie: this is my favorite peepster
(11:27:24 PM) Marie: he's the runt
(11:27:32 PM) Marie: he like hasn't grown at all since he hatched three weeks ago
(11:27:36 PM) Marie: that's his sibling next to him
(11:28:01 PM) Chris: steal him and give him to the spca
(11:28:04 PM) Marie: i want to
(11:28:09 PM) Marie: cause he's gonna die soon
(11:28:14 PM) Chris: do it
(11:28:17 PM) Chris: they have to take it
(11:28:17 PM) Marie: cause the mom will stop feeding him
(11:28:21 PM) Chris: you don't know where it came from
(11:28:24 PM) Chris: it's a mystery
(11:28:32 PM) Marie: haha
(11:28:39 PM) Marie: i will sneak him off in my backpack
(11:28:44 PM) Chris: dooooo it
(11:28:52 PM) Marie: and play loud music so that people won't hear him peeping
(11:29:01 PM) Chris: give him a binky

Friday, July 03, 2009

Kill me.

There will be no "4 for Friday" post this week because my sinuses are hurting so badly that it's making me nauseous. I am actually staying home in bed on a Friday night watching movies because of this. I will accept all gifts of icepicks gladly.

I've had the flu for the past week and some odd days and this is just the tail end of that I think. I just hope it didn't somehow leave me with a gnarly sinus infection.

I will possibly post some songs or something tomorrow to make up for it, depending on how I'm feeling and if/when I go out holiday gallivanting. In the mean time, you should check out my flickr. I recently bought a new camera and I couldn't be happier with it. The first day I had it I took 143 pictures. Ha.

Here's a random sampling to whet your appetite:
Snowy Egrets
Bittersweet Nightshade
Dining hall window
bird skull