Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Reality" is such a weird thing...

Most of the time I get to live in NeverNeverland. Thanks San Francisco! However, I get brought back to reality when I talk to my mother, who decides to remind me that I'm 28 and old and that the world is fucking sad when she telling me things like:

Oh your cousin Matthew has a baby. And he and his wife are both getting shipped out to Afghanistan.

I used to change the diapers of Matthew's older brother Andrew when he was a baby. I clearly remember this because he liked to do that thing that baby boys do where as soon as the diaper comes off it's time to pee everywhere!

What the hell world? So many things about this tiny tidbit of news make no fucking sense to me.

1 comment:

Xyphy said...

F*ck it. Life is what you make of it... not just some stupid baby.