Monday, March 05, 2007

Truth Serum

I got very drunk on tequila last night and then Ikoi started talking to me out of the blue. We had a good conversation. She helped me understand a bit more about why things are the way they are, and all in all I feel a lot better about everything. I'm still definitely very sad about it to be honest, but it was nice to have someone to talk to who wasn't offering me rationalizations and who understood where I'm coming from. Also, it made me face reality a bit more. After a lot of crying anyway...ha.

I went to bed around 430...and woke up at 8 still drunk...haha. I kept falling back asleep and having super-vivid, symbolic dreams and waking up after each one. I had some grandiose drunk plan to get breakfast burritos and do margarita monday. Perhaps that can still be arranged.

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