Saturday, February 03, 2007

to everyone, who lost something. and who had to dream awake.

Ugh....I had a super-painful dream last night. It was fucking vivid too. It was sort of replaying things that happened last year....actually it was very much so, but they were happening in the present/future. I'm chalking it all up to my nervousness about going home....heh, it's all I can do I suppose. Also, trying not to let it make me crazy....I hate when things entirely out of your control dredge up so many emotions that you can't seem to shake. I suppose I can tie that to my total need to learn how not to be a control freak. I'm really, really bad about it. Even when it's about things that there's no way I could ever have any control over. I am dumb.

Chris and I drove around and took pictures of all the crazy shit around here yesterday. A gallery will be coming to an internet near you soon enough. I just ate the last bit of my pot pie I made. Jesus christ, I am an awesome cook...haha.

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