Thursday, August 31, 2006

What is this...."blogosphere" speak of?

(14:41:40) Bas: im going to blog about you
(14:41:44) Bas: :D
(14:43:25) Bas: oh man everyone must be typing into blogosphere right now
(14:43:31) Bas: it's slow
(14:45:00) Marie: hahaha
(14:52:47) Marie: YAY!
(14:53:21) Bas: i hope the b-sphere approves
(14:53:36) Bas: it seems to be taking it into consideration
(14:53:41) Marie: haha
(14:53:53) Marie: " this enough emo-faggotry to qualify?"
(14:53:59) Bas: haha
(14:54:00) Bas: yez
(14:54:11) Bas: woohoo
(14:54:13) Bas: it went through
(14:54:25) Marie: yay
(14:54:27) Bas: ofcourse you're just a cog in a large scheme to get me laid
(14:54:29) Bas: but still
(14:54:35) Bas: *larger
(14:56:07) Bas: I HAIKUD FOR YOU MARIE
(14:56:17) Marie: i can't read it
(14:56:22) Bas: oh the fuck
(14:56:23) Marie: it keeps giving me errors
(14:56:26) Marie: fuck you myspace!
(14:56:30) Bas: the blogosphere is whimsical today
(14:56:42) Marie: haha
(14:59:05) Bas: the blogosphere is probably collapsing into itself
(14:59:08) Marie: hahahaha
(14:59:16) Bas: all the emo bullshit has made it commit suicide
(14:59:20) Marie: i'm so posting this convo
(14:59:31) Bas: haha
(14:59:31) Marie: with all your blogosphere references

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