Wednesday, April 18, 2007

That brings us to who we need, a place where we can save a heart that beats as both siphon and reservoir

Yesterday we went down to Balboa Park for free museum day...pretty nice. Third Tuesday is the best free museum day because the Museum of Man (my fav) and all the art museums are free. The Museum of Man was kind of disappointing because the Body Ornamentation exhibit had just ended, which I'm bummed that I didn't get to see, and so they were short one exhibit and then a lot of other shit was closed or not working or something.

We also went to the Timkin (which is always free), the botanical gardens (also always free), and the SDMA. SDMA is doing their whole Annie Liebowitz exhibit right now and it was by far the most crowded. It's funny how people will crowd around and line up to look at pictures of celebrities and shit, or just because they've actually "heard of" the photographer. I'm not saying she doesn't take good photos, but it would've taken us probably an hour just to get a proper look at any of them given the crowds, so we just strolled through there pretty quickly behind all of the gawkers. I did find it funny that part of the exhibit was a table with a bunch of old, rather torn up copies of "Vanity Fair" magazines, I'm guessing so that you can sit there and look at them and go "Hey see that picture of Nicole Kidman on the wall? Here it is, RIGHT HERE IN THIS VERY MAGAZINE!" or something. I should've asked one of the 20 people that were crowded around it.....They also had an exhibit of kid's artwork, from little kids to high school age, which was cool. Kinda sad for those kids that their art has to compete with Annie Liebowitz though...there were maybe 5 other people walking around that exhibit.

The museums unfortunately close fairly early, around 4, so we headed back up and went to La Playa in restaurant row for Happy Hour/Taco Tuesday. They make really good drinks there, it's rather surprising. Also, they seem to use magical alcohol that you can't taste but that somehow gets your ass hammered. I have no idea how that works. At the bar I was sitting next to a girl who looked straight out of a "Skin Industries" photoshoot. She was talking to the bartender about the Virginia Tech school shooting (aka "VT MASSACRE!" as all the news channels seem to be calling it) and said, "I don't get it, if he wants to be popular that's not the way to do it!"

I shall leave you all to ponder that.

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