Thursday, April 05, 2007

More insanity, this time from the 50's..

I found this link while reading a thread on AskMeFi about horrible Self-Help book advice. The question was actually spawned by that book, "The Secret", which I have a particular vendetta against since my mother gave me a copy of it to "change my life" or something. But that's a post for another time.

blinkytreefrog: On Becoming a Woman - A tale of many unspeakable dangers.

This link is to scans of a 50's advice book for young women written by Dr. Harold Shryock. A lot of it speaks for itself so I'm not really going to reiterate anything here, but I was definitely struck by how similar the thoughts and explanations about sex are to those in the links this post I made yesterday. At least those women weren't advocating female circumcisions performed by a "Christian physician" like Dr. Shryock over there. And we thought only "those heathen darkies" got to have fun like that!

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