Friday, May 04, 2007

Oh also...

this is carriet's "counter to Harry Potter"!!!! (I love the exclamation marks). Apparently she wants 20 bucks for it and loves to both use commas in inappropriate places and not use them where grammar dictates she should! Oh, also everything else is really bad too! Buy it today!

Oh also I found more stuff...I almost feel bad but not's her more detailed description of her book:
"Action thriller novel that you will not only read but you EXPERIENCE ! Exposes what is really happening today that stays hidden so it traps you - EVERYTHING WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN DETAIL since it was written in 1997 ! - Is a very prophetic book !!
The invisible comes ALIVE - ALL ages are amazed by this book ! Exposes what you NEED to know in order to survive. Shows HOW Satan invades YOUR life DAILY and you do not know it ! You NEED this thriller novel to show how to fight and survive these last days ! Order online or by regular mail directly from publisher at POWERS IN THE AIR web site."

Found here.

And this appears to be her own site for her book.....and I shall leave you with that.

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