Saturday, July 08, 2006

Jesus Fuck.

How does it all of a sudden feel like it's all falling into place? How is "Beloved" the best song ever even though it's basically a progressive trance song? How are we both so much fucking cooler than we ever were together? Why did tonight kinda feel like a non-sexual cock tease? Le sigh.

Also, anger makes me evil. I'm glad I'm done with it. At least that kind. I'm also in a ridiculously good state of mind right now. Yay for that.

I swear I'm a fucking genius sometimes.

Also, I must say that the weekends where I'm not getting any pretty much blow.

I met a tiny Native psychic tonight. Swear.


garth2 said...

dude, the only weekends i'll ever have are weekends where i'm not getting any.

unless i can get some from myself. does that count?

garth2 said...

also, admit it, you could basically get some whenever you wanted to. us boys have a lil harder time of it.

Marie said...

yeah i know...i can and did...i don't know if that was really the point though

garth2 said...

but of course its the point, dumbass