Tuesday, May 23, 2006


So I just had the strangest epiphany. I was listening to a song that a husband and wife were singing together and I all of a sudden could understand why people would want that. Marriage or relationship bullshit or whatever. I'm not saying I want it, but I never could understand the force behind it before. I want someone to make art with or make music with or do any of the stupid artfag things I like to do with. I probably don't want to love them though.

I have a feeling this is going to be my night. Random blog posting bullshit to preserve my idiocy. I want to just throw it out there, in the open. Rip me apart.

1 comment:

charles said...

I typed out like 4 comments and erased them, notthing seems to seem ok to post on the internet. relationshipd and long term connections to people are good I think. but when then end its like eating broken glass, so it might not be worth it in the end.