Saturday, May 22, 2010

Maganrord is going to be on the radio...

So last Tuesday, this great public radio reporter Molly Samuel came out to the island to interview Logan, Danielle, and me about Maganrord. We had a great 3-4 hours showing her around the island, talking about birding and the blog and our jobs and all sorts of other stuff. She's currently in the process of putting it all together to make a radio story that should air on public radio in SF sometime within the next few weeks. I'll keep you updated once I know more about that.

During the interview we actually saw the juvenile raven for the first time, saw the raven parents predating eggs from the black crowned night heron colony, and saw some very small juvenile black crowned night herons (also a first for us). Logan put together a great post over at Maganrord about a few of those things, so check that out.

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