Monday, August 13, 2007

I just made a delicious salad dressing...

It's like pad thai salad....daaaaamn. Here's the recipe:

Juice of 5 key limes (or whatever will end up with about a 1:1 ratio between the lime juice and the amount of oil you're going to use)

Into the lime juice mix:
1 tbsp dark shitake soy sauce
2 tsp crunchy, all natural peanut butter
2 tsp sugar
a few drops of sesame oil
2 tsp hot sauce (I used a mild, garlic flavored one)
as much salt, pepper, and garlic powder as you'd like
Into that drizzle some oil, I used a light olive oil/soybean oil blend, all while stirring with a fork or whisk in the same direction so that you form an emulsion. Stop when you get the viscosity and flavor-intensity you'd like.
I think this would probably make a bomb-ass marinade as well. And if I had some fresh cilantro, I totally would've added it.

All measurements are approximate, we all know I don't measure when I cook.

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