Thursday, January 01, 2009

So before anyone asks...

I'm just going to list out what I did for New Year's Eve, because I don't want to have to recount it again. Instead I will be like "Go read my depressing blog, asshole."

  • My night of unadventure began with disappointment and the only semblance of plans I had being fucked. I got ditched, by a boy that is scared of everything. Then I cried in my bed for a while.
  • After I pulled myself together, which took very little time as my patented numbness came to the rescue, I drank the last 6 or so shots left in my bottle of 120 proof absinthe. Just guzzled that shit from the bottle like the pro I am.
  • Seeing that my bottle of liquor was now empty, I went and got the Captain from the freezer and chugged a bit of that. Then Chris came home with a couple of bottles of champagne, so I went and hung out with him and Ross in the living room.
  • We opened some champagne, toasted because Chris was going to a party and wouldn't be home at midnight and then I decided I needed to eat something, since I'd been abstaining from food all day. My new years dinner was a frozen salisbury steak and mac n cheese meal.
  • Chris left. Ross and I finished both bottles of champagne. I drank some more rum. I talked to Garrett on the phone while halfway watching Iron Man. Chris came home disappointed and we had an awkward talk. Around 1 I passed out on the couch. Woke up at 4:30 and moved to my bed. The end.

1 comment:

Xyphy said...

If it makes you feel better Amber's OCD cousin was sick, and decided to touch, cough and sneeze on everything and everybody during the family Christmas gathering, ultimately leading to the break of my not being sick record which held for a year and a half. Oh this led to one hell of a new years filled with sick. Not that I like new years all that much anymore, I was absolutely confused by the 2 second shift... and that ruined it for me!