So I think you were right.
I am so bored.
I should have walked away from our
pointless conversation
and given that Swedish boy my number
like I wanted to.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It could have been fun or exciting. Things my life is not right now.
Posted by
Monday, December 29, 2008
I'm sure this will make Garrett lose his shit...
primalux: i went to work today
it was not good
Charles: haha
people ruin everything
primalux: yesterday work was good cause there were like 3 swedish brothers
and they were hot as shit
and i flirted like mad
Charles: haha
primalux: that could have been the dirtiest porno ever
Charles: jesus
primalux: man i crack myself up sometimes
Posted by
Saturday, December 27, 2008
So, I've renewed my decision that I'm travelling to Sweden.
And that's that.
More Jens for your listening and viewing pleasure.
You Are The Light.
I love this video. Jens as a knight and some horns. The End.
A Little Lost.
Pocketful of Money.
I saved the best for last. This is my favorite Jens song, and it's a video of him singing it in a parking lot. He gets the crowd to sing the part that in the original is the sample of Calvin Johnson singing "I'll come running with a heart on fire." I died, its so fucking good.
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Labels: Jens Lekman, Music, Videos, YouTube
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Oh you're so silent Jens...
So maybe you're no longer my top played artist on You still hold the top two songs though. And really, you're the sexiest Swede I've ever met. So you should have accepted when I was like "OMG marry me Jens." Anyway, you better come to SF soon.
"In church on Sunday making out in front of the preacher
You had a black shirt on with a big picture of Nietzsche
When we had done our thing for a full Christian hour
I had made up my mind that there must be a higher power."
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Labels: Jens Lekman, Lyrics, Music, Sweden, YouTube
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Labels: Drunkeness, Hilarity, Life, Quotes
Myers-Briggs for the ol' blog.
So apparently this Typealyzer site will tell you the Mysers-Briggs personality type for your blog, based on.....I have no idea, the words you use? I'm too lazy to research that part. Anyway, here's mine:
This is pretty amusing to me, because every time I've taken the Myers-Briggs I always get INTJ, which really describes me to a fucking T.ESFP - The Performers
The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead - they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.
The enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.
I guess I just play a people-person on the internet.
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Labels: blog
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I just checked my email and I had a receipt in there for Ryan Adams' book. Oh the things I buy and then forget I buy when I'm drunk!
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Labels: Drunkeness, Hilarity
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A Cold + Cold Medicine + Jager/Red bulls + Emotional jetlags = hilarious conversations tonight
primalux: man i am emoing the fuck out
Raeven: oh serious
primalux: that h.i.m. discography i downloaded is really coming in handy
Raeven: bahahah you are goddamn redonk
primalux: dude i know
i love it haha
like as long as i can do stupid shit like this and laugh at myself
i know i'm ok ha
cause it means i'm not like punching holes in my wall again ha
Raeven: ok good point
primalux: nom nom nom jager!
Charles: i have beer
primalux: that's cool
i had to wait an hour for a train or bus that even goes near my place to come
and its raining
so i figured i should just hit the hard stuff as soon as i got home
primalux: oh shit it's my boy kiefers bday
i wanna buy him a shot so hard
Charles: eh?
primalux: kiefer sutherland
my dream is to drink with him
also with crispin glover
Charles: he'll get drunk and rape you
primalux: he'll get drunk and take his pants off and try to climb a xmas tree
cause that's how he rolls
primalux: i met a cajun guy at an irish bar
and he spent like 3 hours talking to me about cosplay
Charles: hahaha
primalux: and how it's the most amazing thing ever
and how he had no idea such things existed but now he just thinks those girls are the best
Charles: thats weird and odd, as well as stupid
Posted by
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Solitary Man
Valerie put a post up about songs relating to seasons. Winter always makes me think of the album American III: Solitary Man by Johnny Cash, and in particular his cover of Solitary Man, which is fantastic. The song was actually stuck in my head all day yesterday for certain reasons, and with tomorrow being the Winter Solstice, I figured it was all nice and synchronous and all that shit.
The reasons it reminds me of winter aren't really interesting. I moved into a house in the middle of winter about 4 years ago, we didn't have cable or tv in our room, so I spent a lot of time listening to this album. I downloaded a couple of other covers of it as well, one by Chris Isaak, which is surprisingly fantastic, and one by H.I.M. which I find hilarious and at the same time appeals to my art fag emo-ness. I suggest you listen to them all.
Johnny Cash - Solitary Man
Chris Isaak - Solitary Man
H.I.M. - Solitary Man
I seriously could listen to this song all the time. Whoever sings it.
And that is the end of that. And thank the gods tomorrow is the shortest day of the year. It couldn't have come at a better time.
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Labels: Johnny Cash, Memories, Mp3
I'm a cliche in my own mind.
I'm listening to the Ryan Adams album "Love is Hell", which is fucking amazing by the way. And what a succinct title. Angsty sorrow to the max, for sure.
I'm still waiting for those downloads to finish. All this for a blog post that had an entirely different meaning when I planned it this morning than it will when I end up posting it.
Either way I'm sure it will be interpreted in all sorts of ways. HA.
In other news I have a cold. Dayquil is pretty cool, but Jager is so so so much better.
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Labels: Life, Ryan Adams
For everything there is a word.
For everything but this.
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Labels: Ryan Adams, Videos, YouTube
Still waiting...
My bones are not mine
they feel like strangers in my body
and they will burrow their ways out in time
My tendons and veins
are all unraveled
I'm just waiting to crumble and fall
When all my connections fail without notice
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Labels: Artfag, Drunkeness, Poetry
¡Ay Coño!
I had a dream that Chris and I moved back to San Diego together.
I'm sure part of it had to do with listening to a voicemail from Garrett last night while I was half-asleep and full of benedryl and cold medicine. He was telling me about his move that he and Chad are currently making. I know the rest of it has to do with my stress levels and my bad habit of feeling like I need to spontaneously flee.
It was funny, in the dream I was all excited that I was going to be living like a block from Garrett but then as soon as I actually got to SD I had a ginormous panic attack and was like "OH FUCK NO NO NO WHAT HAVE I DONE?"
It was terrible. Ha.
I have some music posts planned for later today. Just waiting for things to download and such.
Posted by
Thursday, December 18, 2008
It may not be possible for me to explain all the things I ♥ about this.
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Labels: Peter Murphy, The Normal, Trent Reznor, Videos, Warm Leatherette, YouTube
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Photographic evidence of my fail:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Moenia y Morbo
So a few years ago I listened to the local Rock en Español/Alternative music station almost exclusively, until they traded it for hip-hop. It got me really into a lot of good Spanish-language music, and Mexican synthpop in particular. And in my pit of despair yesterday I broke out some albums I hadn't listened to in a few years. Morbo by Morbo, and Televisor by Moenia. Good shit.
The two bands are kind of connected. Juan Carlos used to be the vocalist for Moenia back when they were much more techno/dancey and when he left to form Morbo, Alfonso joined Moenia as the vocalist, but I'm pretty sure he was one of the founding members but left before they ever released anything. Anyway, I like Moenia much more with Alfonso singing cause he has that awesome, Dave Gahan-esque voice. And I think Juan Carlos is much better at making his own stuff cause Morbo is awesome and it's all him.
So here's my favorite Morbo song, "Hoy". The video is awesome too.
This is one of my favorite Moenia songs, "Lado Animal", which is from the Amores Perros soundtrack.
And finally, the super-emo song that got me into Moenia in the first place, "En que Momento".
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Labels: Moenia, Morbo, Rock en Español, Videos, YouTube
Friday, December 12, 2008
To make up for the dramarama of the last post
here is something awesome. My favorite Bonnie Prince Billy song.
Valerie was at this show. I am jealous.
This goes out to me. Cause I am far too rad.
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Labels: Bonnie Prince Billy, Videos, YouTube
My hand is made of swollen.
Today I punched a hole in my wall. Yeah.
I haven't been to that place mentally in quite a while. I don't want to be there anymore.
Marie: i'm glad i only get emo for like 10 minutes
then i'm all like "oh my god i am too fucking cool for this"
Charles: self importance is helpful for ignoring other peoples bullshit
Hear fucking hear.
Um anyway. Life is life. And I hate nothing more than people who are scared of life and scared of themselves. And I need to fucking remember that.
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Labels: ChatLog, Drama, Drunkeness, Fail, Life
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Holy Hell Ryan Adams...
Why aren't you in San Francisco sweeping me off my feet with your crazy hair and nerdy glasses and beautiful voice and dorky-ass southern charm?
It's a fucking mystery.
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Labels: Ryan Adams, Videos, YouTube
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My favorite blog post I've ever made
It lives here
I was going over old stuff. It made me laugh. A lot of it did actually. I need to laugh at shit more often and stop agonizing.
Posted by
Monday, November 24, 2008
Oh Freddie
So 17 years ago Freddie Mercury died. Queen is one of my favorite bands ever, and I think Freddie Mercury had the most amazing voice any human has ever had, ever, hands down, forever. Ha. Seriously. Fucking incredible.
So I've been listening to a lot of Queen this night. Here are my favorite Queen songs ever:
I Want to Break Free - This song changed my life by virtue of making me want to change it. And then helping me through that change. No shit. (Also the video is kind of insanely fantastic.)
Fat Bottomed Girls - Nothing will make me jump up and sing way too loudly at a bar than this song being played.
You're My Best Friend - Just awesomely sweet and rad.
Posted by
Friday, November 21, 2008
I just listened to this song for the first time
It gave me one of those "What the FUCK, universe?" moments. Anyway, it's Bonnie Prince Billy and Matt Sweeney. It's called "What are You?"
What are you waiting for, if not for me ?
What are you waiting for ? It must be me
To take you over my knee
And spank you mercilessly
I can do that, oh you'll see
And every day will be like free and sweet adventure you will see
And I'll have you and you'll have me
On a bench with your twisted fingers in me
In the rain with my sundress torn off of me
Sliding down grassy slopes to where we can be alone
You say I am evil, you know that I am stupid
I don't appear giving and I don't appear lucid
Yet I give you all
The truth is I give you everything
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Labels: Bonnie Prince Billy, Lyrics, Mp3
thank god for existentialism
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Labels: Bonnie Prince Billy, Lyrics, Mp3
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Paul Rudd and Michael Ian Black....
together! In a hilarious video!
The only way this could be better is if it was like some hot gay porn.
What? Can't blame a girl for dreaming.
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Labels: Funny, Michael Ian Black, Paul Rudd, Stella, Videos, YouTube
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Marry Me, Ryan Adams
"but i will always be curious. life is just too damn precious for it not to mean fucking everything all the time."
I read that on his blog this morning. I cannot express how synchronous the universe is being right now.
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Labels: Ryan Adams
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Photographic update time:
My hair is pink for the time being:I used some shitty red dye over the old dye cause I didn't want to have to bleach my hair again. And then when I did bleach it again, this is what happened. I'm kind of digging it. So I'm letting it stick around for a few days.
Also today I had the best shopping day ever. There was treasure all over the place. My two favorite things I got:Kickass aviator hat for the rain!
Velvet jacket with an elf hood!
Also apparently Russell Brand was at my work today. And it was my day off. I am terribly upset that I missed getting to wink at him. And see his tight, tight pants.
Le sigh.
Posted by
Saturday, October 25, 2008
One of my favorite gifts from the internet
I was going through old blog posts from many, many moons ago and found one where I posted this. I'm not so into XKCD as much as I used to be, but I remember back around the time when this was made, every time Bas and I would read a new comic we would be like "OMG XKCD guy get out of our heads!"
Only now I'm the one in the hat! So there!
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
I was in nearly the best mood of my life. I kinda knew I would be for various reasons, not least of which was on the bus in the morning this boy was on there who is like the most perfect specimen of hotness ever created (except he has horrible fashion sense so that appeals to my "I really wanna take you shopping and dress you up" deal in a major way...ha). I hadn't seen him in at least a month so I knew it was the sign of a great day. I'm sure my salivating over him made him very uncomfortable.
I am fucking hilarious.
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Labels: Life
Monday, October 06, 2008
"Liver" killed it this weekend!
So Valerie came up on Friday night and we went out with Joe and got drunk as balls. You can see pics of our adventure here. Then we got in a drunken fight at 5 am and I ended up walking home from Joe's and leaving her there. Cause we are cool like that and it's how we roll.
The next morning I woke up and made her meet us downtown and she, Chris, and I all went out to the rock so I could show them Alcatraz and they could check out hot tourists like I do all week. Here are the pics. It was surprisingly fun even though I was basically going to work on my day off. They were doing some weird Civil War re-enactment shit that day, as well as it was the first day that they opened up the Agave Trail, which is fucking awesome. Good times were had.
Sunday we woke up, I drank some Jack and Coke and ate a few shrooms for breakfast and then we went to Hardly Strictly! We saw Bonnie Prince Billy, Iron & Wine, and Gogol Bordello. It was super fucking fun. I love that I live in a city where I can walk 10 minutes down the road and watch a huge amazing show for free in the middle of a gorgeous wild park. Look at pictures!
For the finale Valerie, Joe, and I went out and drank last night, a few pics of us looking ridiculously fucked up are here. We all came back to my place and played Wii afterward. Valerie made Joe sleep on the tiny couch after offering him the big, comfy couch, cause she's mean when she's drunk...ha. Then today she and I hung out, and around 3 this afternoon I took her downtown, we went shopping for books, and then I left her at BART so she could go catch her flight at 6.
All-in-all the weekend fucking owned.
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Labels: Alcatraz, Bonnie Prince Billy, Concert, Drunkeness, Hardly Strictly, Pictures, Valerie
Thursday, October 02, 2008
I don't care if forever never comes, cause I'm holding out for that teenage feeling....
Man, on Tuesday this boy made my fucking day by giving up his seat on the F for me. I think that's unheard of. He was so nice about it too. Yay for people surprising me.
Hotness was all over the island yesterday. The Dutch and the Germans were fucking KILLING it. I popped both of my collars as a way of luring them in. I think it may have worked because people were being flirty as fuck and totally complimenting me all day. However, I am way too happy that I don't go back to work until next Tuesday.
It's supposed to rain this weekend. I am so insanely happy about that. I have to spend all day cleaning and preparing for having a house guest cause we're like out of everything...haha. Also Nyquil + Tylenol with Codeine + wine = FUCKING AWESOME.
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Labels: Life
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wild and What it seems
I feel like I've done more living in the past 5 or so months that I've been here than I've done in the last 10 years of my life, minus a few months here and there. I'm pretty sure I've found the happy nihilism. Things are a little intense.
Valerie is coming up for Hardly Strictly Bluegrass next weekend which should be awesome. I realized yesterday that because I'm taking the time off that she's gonna be here I'm only going to be working for 5 days in the next two weeks. Which is also kind of awesome. Ha.
In other news, I woke up with a spontaneous cold on Sunday morning. I think the universe is seriously fucking with me. I went to sleep this evening at about 8:30, and I am now awake again at midnight thanks to a boyfriend who has decided to start sleeping in the bed with me again even though he has some face infection bullshit that makes him snore and breathe all fucked up and generally just keep my ass awake. So now we've switched places and I'm staying in the living room. And I'm hopped up on DXM and Afrin.
I miss way too many people right now, for too many different reasons. It's good for me though. I think it may possibly "build character" even, though fuck if I know what I would want that for. I've got more than enough character to go around. I am fucking infectious, watch out.
Oh, and I think I'm finally getting the warning label tattoo sometime later this week. Let's see how the universe likes that one.
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Labels: Life
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Good God Damn
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds were fucking F L A W L E S S.
He has ruined me for all other musicians. All other men too, I think.
I had to remind myself to breathe. A lot.
Warren is my total #2 badass musician crush of the moment.
And I'm convinced that he and Nick are secret lovers. The chemistry there is fucking sweaty and raw.
Posted by
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It's the devil I love.
This is fucking make-me-crazy insanely beautiful. I kinda wanna die it's so good.
These two stage performances where they sew their skin together. This makes me queasy. And also kinda turns me on.
Good lord.
Posted by
Friday, September 05, 2008
A funny thing I learned at work today...
European guys dress like gay men when it's hot outside. Lots of designer wife beaters and like board shorts and camo shorts and such. It's very confusing when I'm trying to flirt with them. I'm sure I winked at all the wrong people due to this. It was madness.
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Haiku: Ode to the guys I see on my way to work
Business boys downtown
Wearing ties and shiny shoes
I should defile you
They must be the male equivalent of "sexy librarian" to my brain.
Posted by
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Mixtape Madness
So I've been making some mixtapes this morning.
I wish muxtape was still around because it was way better than what I'm using now, which is 8tracks. 8tracks only lets you play the songs in the order you put them in the first time you listen to the mix, which pretty much fucking defeats the purpose of making a mixtape as far as I'm concerned. I may just start throwing them in a zip file and just hosting them myself if they don't fix that. I guess it has something to do with licensing.'s the first one! all full of gothy goodness.
Posted by
Thursday, August 28, 2008
God I'm cool.
Today was also compliment Marie day. Why is the universe trying to suck up to me? The plot is so thickening.
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Labels: Life
You gotta play that music for who's listening, You gotta have someone you wanna sing it to
Man. Sometimes the mania is awesome. I am riding this high like no one's business. Life is responding. It's weird.
So yesterday was apparently "compliment Marie day". Someone told me I look like a kewpie doll. I mean I don't really know if that's a compliment but whatevs. Also a random like 30 year old midwestern lady at work was like "I just have to tell you that you're so adorable." I don't even think she was hitting on me. A bunch more people told me a bunch more things about how awesome I am. I mean, shit, I know I'm rad as balls, but it was all in all very weird.
Life is just fucking occurring. A boy wrote me a poem. He's the best. No one's done that in years.
And it was a good one too.
A person I really like just left the city. It makes me feel like a jerk. From those two statements you can draw your own conclusions about that, but I am going to miss him.
Also this kid at work has been leaving travel pamphlets in my locker. He doesn't know I know it's him as far as I'm aware. I'm trying to figure out the proper response while waiting for some sort of "climactic event" that I don't think is gonna happen. My first instinct was to just start hitting on him because I think it would make him really uncomfortable. I might still do that.
I just downloaded The Highwaymen's greatest hits. I miss that album and I need some country legends in my life desperately. I wish I could just sing country music for the rest of my life. How fucking sweet would that be? All whiskey and cigarettes and beer and steel guitars. Mmmmm.
Posted by
Monday, August 18, 2008
My city is the coolest. And strangest.
"OK, first we had the dead manta ray, or whatever it technically is, over at Market and Montgomery streets last week. Today, dear readers, we have this dead starfish sighting at the bus stop island at Kearny/Market. What?"
More, with pictures:
Posted by
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Let it ride, Let it roll, Let it go
*Winery pictures are here! It was super. I am tired.
*Alex and Veronica came to Alcatraz a while ago and I got them a private tour. Alex posted about it, with pictures, on his blog.
*Lost Boys II is so awesome. I wish it had Keifer though. But seriously, such trashy goodness.
*When we went out to breakfast today I saw a girl wearing a super cute utility belt. It became my mission today to find one. I ended up ordering this one in black. My only complaint is I wish it was leather, but the awesome leather ones I found were like $150 or only sold in Australia. It's a lot harder to find fashion-y, cute, non-fannypack utility belts on the internet than one would think.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Lose the feelings that are weighing me down...
The tall ships sailed into the bay last week for the Festival of Sail. I was working on Alcatraz at the time so I had some nice views of it. Too bad my pictures came out kinda assy cause of the haze. Still...
There are more pics in the set over on that thar flickr thing. Which I just got a Pro account on, so I suppose I'll be moving most of my pics over to, because at least they won't delete my pics and threaten to shutdown my account because someone reported my pictures as having nudity in them, even though they didn't. And then give me no way to contest this....I'm looking at you Picasa/Google.
- The Ryan Adams show at the Fillmore is sold out. I cry myself to sleep every night because of this. My only hope is that Joe can get me tickets since he works there. *crosses fingers* DON'T FAIL ME NOW!
- Winery is this weekend! I need it bad. I just need to get away, get wasted, and just let it all go. I'm going through some weird hermit, anti-social bullshit right now. It's really ruining my good times. Ha.
- There's been some weird coincidences these past few weeks. Synchronicity just might be in effect again. I'll investigate further and report back my findings.
- I have two tallboys of PBR for my day off that need drinking. And away I go.
Posted by
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
A Different Name, Same Old Game
Huh. It's crazy how intense and normal things can become in such a short period of time, and how much I've forgotten what it's like to be me...ha.
I was having a conversation with this guy at work and we were talking about how he's married and has no drama and lives this very domestic life. And man, as much as I hate drama and try to keep it out of my life, I really know that I never, ever want that domestic life again. I'm sure it helps with the complications that come with life but good lord, I can't imagine ever going back to it. It was the biggest waste of life imaginable. I mean I know it's for some people, and they love it, and NEED it really, but not this girl.
Other bits from my days:
*Pride royally fucked up my commute home. DAMN YOU GAYS!
*I miss someone to death right now. It's really rather tedious. If only all the giant Euros weren't constantly at my work reminding me of him..ha.
*Alcatraz is covered in baby seagulls these days. They walk around going "peep peep" and look like little grey emu muppets. I loves.
*I've been sick for a few days now and am so hopped up on shit for it that I can't sleep and I have to be up in 6 hours.
*I am currently on the last episode of Season 2 of Six Feet Under. I am so good at powering through it.
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Labels: Life
Friday, June 27, 2008
Moments lost though time remains
*Garth's blog, babyfight, always reminds me of How is babby formed?
*I am seriously SAD about George Carlin. The world needs more obnoxious assholes, as long as I'm not dating them and they're actually funny and insightful.
*This city amazes and surprises me every fucking day. I've never felt more at home in my life.
*My hair is the absolute perfect color since the dye job this morning
*Six Feet Under still rules the second time around
*I should wear dresses more often.
The End fucktarts.
Posted by
Monday, June 09, 2008
Thunderdome and other happenings...
You can see me in the background of some of the pics at the first link. I was smashed.
Had some other very good times last week. All in all life has been win++. Well, other than my sinus infection. It is not very fun, but I'm a big believer in "powering through it"...ha.
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Labels: Life, Links, Pictures, Thunderdome
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Lordy Lord.
I'm gonna be uploading some more pics soon, and there are a few over at my tumbleblog to check.
Now I must make with the shower and the clothing.
Posted by
Saturday, May 24, 2008
What up rock n roll fans?
So hey, I got a job at Alcatraz! It's pretty bomb, easy and people are cool and it pays really well and I like taking a ferry to work. On Friday some sea lions were swimming around the boat on the way to work, it was rad. Here are some pics I took on my lunch break:
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Alcatraz |
I'm off today and I need to clean the apartment and such for our BBQ next weekend. If I know you and haven't invited you, let me know and invite yourself. We will have a keg and burgers and hotdogs, which I don't even eat, and you know, assorted other BBQ things. YAYZ!
Posted by
Monday, May 19, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Links for 2008-05-01 []
- Things You Can't Do Coked Up
GENIUS. And so so true.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
More Pictures!
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Paolo's Going Away Party |
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Around the 'hood/Gold |
Also....the new Nick Cave album = A-MAZ-ING
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
We made it!
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San Francisco Move! |
All it took was the help of two more guys, Ross and Paulo, a Dodge truck, a trailer, two days of smash-and-grab packing, and about a 10 hour drive. And then unloading it all as soon as we got to the city at around 9:30.
There are some pics there of part of our 'hood. More pics of the place and the area will be coming soon.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
don't waste my time. this is it. this is really happening.
It's a very very new thing for me to be doing exactly what I want to do, and to be happy, and to feel like the only people I have in my life are people who want me to be exactly who I am. Or who don't give enough of a fuck about what I do with my own life to want me to do something else. It's absolutely the way things should be.
I really need to start packing. Like NOW. Ha.
In random other Marieness, I have some sort of sensitivity or allergy or intolerance to something, and since I'm sick of feeling like shit every time I eat, I'm on this crazy elimination diet to figure out what it is. So I can't eat dairy (I already know I'm lactose intolerant, so I shouldn't be eating it in the first place), wheat or anything with gluten or whatever, corn or anything corn based, eggs, refined sugar, coffee, and a bunch of other shit that I'm going to have to subtract after a week or so. It is seriously the lamest shit ever. I'm having a super hard time figuring out things to eat, or drink for that matter since I can't have beer or coffee. Pray for me, people.
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Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Tumblr Repost
I've decided I'm just gonna repost the last postings from my Tumblr blog once a week over here, because I am cool.
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Wild Animal Park
We went to the Wild Animal Park a couple of weeks ago, because Chris had never been and since we're moving we're trying to get some "San Diego" shit out of the way..haha.
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From Wild Animal Park |
This baby gibbon was pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen. It was climbing all over the place. Chris took video of it
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From Wild Animal Park |
Feeding lorikeets! Video Chris took while he was feeding them with some ducks...ha.
Many more pictures here and here
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
Damn, I really miss making mixtapes. Not in some hipster/ironic/vintage bullshit way, but man I was just all about them in high school. Back then, music was just the language of communication between my friends and me, because everything anyone could want to say had already been said better by some awesome musician. And then the fun of trying to blend that into a message, or the fun of trying to decipher that message. God.
I still have an epic collection of casettes too.
And I’m gonna make an online mixtape for every one of you fuckers.
Cross-posted from my tumbleblog.
Posted by
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I say we just grow up, be adults, and die.
I've been back here for just over a year and apparently the universe has taken pity and decided that was long enough..haha. I'm busting out of this gyp joint in April. It will be all things awesome and ruling and such.
That is all.
Posted by
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Check it
And if any of you decide to start one, let me know, cause I will totally add you to my "following" list and stalk you.
Posted by
Monday, March 17, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
1. Do you call anyone babe?
Not in a serious way.
2. Who were you last in a car with?
3. When was the last time you kissed someone?
This morning.
4. What color shirt are you wearing?
I'm not wearing one. I don't wear clothes in bed. They make me antsy and hot and uncomfortable.
5. Are you a freak?
Only in the Adina Howard way. Ok, maybe in the Tod Browning way too, just a smidge.
9. Last thing you ate?
A bagel with herb cream cheese and smoked salmon. It sounded really good but there was too much salmon on it.
10. Last thing you drank?
11. Where did you sleep last night?
In separate ditches. Very deep in the woods.
13. Are you happy right now?
No, I'm actually really out of sorts, and frustrated.
14. What did you say last?
"Have a good day" about 8 hours ago. I've been home all day alone, so it's weird to think I haven't spoken in like 8 hours.
18. What color are your eyes?
Brown...Hazel..something in there.
19. What is the highlight of your week?
I made three really good meals yesterday....Pesto Baked Eggs, Vegetable Stir-fry with rice noodles, and grilled Albacore and Shrimp tacos. That was a pretty good day.
20.What is your favorite store? that has stuff I want for cheap? That's pretty much my only criterion, I hate shopping.
21 Who/what do you hate currently?
Being sick. Uncertainty.
22. If you could have someone with you right now, who would it be?
Someone comforting. I feel like a big scaredy, chicken-shit child today for some reason.
24. Do you get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night?
Not usually.
25. What makes you happiest?
Drugs. Haha. Ain't gonna lie. I've got fucked up brain chemistry, they tend to literally "make me happy"...I'm not even talking illegal ones.
26. What were you doing at 11 last night?
I think I was in bed eating cheesecake.
32. What's for dinner tonight?
Probably leftover tacos.
33. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
I had a margarita with dinner last night.
34. When is your birthday?
Seis de Mayo.
36. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
37. When is the last time you were in a swimming pool?
Last summer when Charles was watching his sister's house.
40. How do you feel about your hair right now?
I need to dye it again. Red fades way too quickly.
41. Who is your cell phone provider?
Whatever Cingular turned into...ATT?
46. Where does most of your family live?
47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
One younger sister.
49. What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
Made coffee. Then I went back to sleep..
52. Myspace or Facebook?
I utilize Myspace for more social things. Facebook is just for playing stupid games on as far as I'm concerned.
53. What annoys you most?
54. What is/was your favorite subject in school?
Languages. History. Pretty much most of the social sciences. Lit and Composition
55. What type of guy/girl do you usually fall for?
The older I get, the more I realize I don't have a type. Especially as far as personality goes.
57. Do you have any talents?
I am a fucking ball of talent. Wait and see.
58. Have you ever been IN a wedding?
When I was like 3 or 4 I was the flower girl in my Uncle's wedding. I don't know that I really remember it.
60. Did you take a nap today?
63. Do you want to be famous one day?
Nope, I hate attention. Like in a pathologic way.
65. Are you multitasking right now?
Nope. I am non-tasking..
66. Could you handle being in the military?
Absolutely not.
67. Do you believe in Karma?
No. I really don't believe in anything, other than that there isn't anything to believe in, external-manipulation wise anyway.
68. If you're female, what color are your nails right now?
Chipped metallic-turquoise
70. Favorite tv show?
Six Feet Under. I'm also a big fan of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Arrested Development.
71. Do you like someone right now?
Uh...well I like my boyfriend. I like my friends, the few that I have.
72. Favorite donut type?
I like anything with coconut. Maple bars are good. Also just the straight up old-fashioned kind for coffee-dunking are bomb. I really haven't had donuts in forever, though I actually remember the last time I had them, which was August of 2006. Haha. I need to hit up Peterson's.
73. How many schools have you gone to?
Not including post high-school schools, 6 I think.
74. Favorite part of being in a relationship?
Having a partner in crime. If that isn't part of it, it's not fucking worth it.
Posted by
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Links for 2008-03-08 []
- Marie Smith |
Marie Smith, the last speaker of the Eyak language, died on January 21st, aged 89 - Creative Loafing Atlanta | News & Views | Forgotten man
Horrible, Ridiculous, Disgusting. - Photoshop Disasters
- Pork producers seek to mend battered image - Yahoo! News
I like how their reaction is not to change their current practices but instead to hire image consultants and new ad slogans.
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Tuesday, March 04, 2008
So I came home on Friday night and while watching "What not to wear" I saw a girl with my haircut, but her hair was red. I decided I wanted that too.
Step 1: Bleach:
Step 2: Dye it red:
Step 3: Highlights:TA-DA!
Ha. It's closer in color to the second pic, which was taken with my normal camera. The camera on my phone tends to wash out red tones pretty badly.
Posted by
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Links for 2008-02-27 []
- How could it happen again? | UK news | The Guardian
Disgusting, well-presented article about misogyny.
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Links for 2008-02-19 []
- Fruits And Vegetables - Men's Health
Recipes from Mark Bittman - nori lettuce wraps, raw food ideas: Savory Recipes:
Super cool. - The Wrong Target - New York Times
"If a 35-year-old pimp puts a 16-year-old girl on the street and a 30-year-old john pays to have sex with her, how is it reasonable that the girl is most often the point in that triangle that is targeted by law enforcement?" Great Op-Ed - Charles Barkley Supports Gay Marriage, Slams 'Fake' GOP Christians - Towleroad, a site with homosexual tendencies
I need to hang out with Charles Barkley
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Links for 2008-02-20 []
- Nautilus HouseSenosiain Arquitectos
This is seriously the coolest house I've ever seen.
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Links for 2008-02-13 []
- Stuff White People Like
my new favorite web site.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Links for 2008-02-11 []
- My Damn Channel » Cookin with Coolio » #1 Coolio Caprese Salad
COOLIO HAS THE BEST INTERNET COOKING SHOW EVAAAAR! - Culinary in the Desert: Polenta... cheesecake... pie?
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Saturday, February 09, 2008
Links for 2008-02-08 []
- projectrunwaychrismarch
Chris March's finale collection for fashion week. I want every single thing he made. So gothy french it all.
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Friday, February 08, 2008
Ok seriously you guys...
This is currently my favorite song off his most recent album. The video is him performing it down at Spreckels a few weeks ago. God Bless YouTube. I found out the day afterward that he was even playing here. I spent that night on a FAIL outing to a gay club. I'm gonna go cry now.
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Links for 2008-02-07 []
- Contraception Chat: 9th Grade Girls Suspended For Sex-Ed T-Shirts
Oh America. Still pretending that "LALALALLALA I CAN"T HEAR YOU!" will fix all our problems. - Serious Eats: Recipes: Dinner Tonight: Bourdain's Mushroom Soup
Nommy nommy nommy I got noms in my tummy.
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Thursday, February 07, 2008
Links for 2008-02-06 []
- Inhaling Pig Brains May Be Cause of New Illness -
When are we going to figure out that large-scale, industrial farming of animals may not be such a good idea? - One Texas Mother Would Rather Her Daughter Not Learn Spanish, Grassy Ass | Guanabee
It should really be no surprise that this woman is full of faggotry. She spelled her daughter's name ASHLEIGH...ugh.
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Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Mardi Gras

Stupid drunken video we took:
Head on over to Cooking in Esco to learn more about the food.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
It's fat tuesday!
I'm so busting out some hurricanes and fried catfish and red beans and rice tonight. My gulf-coast southernness is showing its face today...haha.
Gotta go vote before that.
This interview with Mike Gravel just made me love him.
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Links for 2008-02-04 []
- 10 Universities Offering Free Writing Courses Online --
I used to write all the time. I'm trying to do that again.
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Monday, February 04, 2008
And I know that I fly and the rest is lie.
I feel like I have so much going on right now, even though a good 30 percent of it is just trying to sort things through, mostly in my head, for things that need to be done in the future. I kind of like being busy though. At least when the busy is all good things. Or things with the potential to be good.
I'm working on paring down the things I own. I'm an enormous pack-rat and very sentimental when it comes to objects, the blame for which lies squarely on the shoulders of my mother. I've gotten a lot better about it, but you'd be surprised by how much effort I've had to put into doing that. I guess spontaneously moving across the country for 6 months with nothing but a suitcase helped. Either way, my mind has been very full of trying to decide things to keep and things to give away. And things possibly to sell, though I don't even know if I have time to deal with that. I have A LOT of stuff. And I believe our new apartment, while more rooms than our current one, is much smaller. Or situated in such a way that isn't conducive to large amounts of things. Or something like that anyway. The only things I'm really attached to are my books. And all my Batman stuff, OBVIOUSLY. Haha.
Posted by
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Links for 2008-02-02 []
- HPV causing oral cancers in men; vaccine urged for boys - On Deadline -
I bet there's 10 times less controversy about giving the vaccine to boys as there was over giving it to girls. - Serious Eats: Recipes: Cook the Book: Wasabi Peas for Real
I just made these fucking good.
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Saturday, February 02, 2008
Links for 2008-02-01 []
- No-Knit Scarf and more creative crafts projects, templates, tips, clip-art, patterns, and ideas on
- Brini Maxwell
- Ale Bread - The Resurrection | Cooking by the Seat of my Pants
- Friday Morning Sing-a-long: Sarah Silverman Is Fucking Matt Damon
The ONLY funny thing Sarah Silverman has done since her show started. Yeah, I said it.
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Friday, February 01, 2008
Sick Sick Sick
It's just as effective as NyQuil, stop looking at me like that.
Posted by
Thursday, January 31, 2008
God I am fucking cool.
(10:27:47) Bas: i was like
(10:27:58) Bas: 'you should give me a ride home'
(10:27:58) Bas: and she's like
(10:27:58) Bas: 'okay'
(10:28:02) Bas: but then her friend cockblocked
(10:28:05) Bas: and dragged her away
(10:28:25) Marie: hahaha
(10:28:37) Marie: girls with girl friends are lame
(10:28:44) Marie: their friends are always like "OMG NO"
(10:28:53) Marie: cause they think they're "protecting" them
(10:28:58) Marie: and the chick just wants to bone down
(10:29:04) Marie: but they don't want to say it
(10:29:19) Marie: cause then "MY FRIENDS WILL THINK IM A WHORE OH NOES"
(10:30:32) Marie: "LETZ DRINK COZMOS NOW"
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Labels: ChatLog
You're doomed to repeat the past cause nothing is gonna last
I'm trying to figure out how to live without a car. I think I've fixed mine for now though I have to go take a look at it again today, because I actually have a day off that it isn't raining on, and see if there's anything else I need to work on. Either way, I'm glad I can walk to work. I wish I didn't need the car at all though, or only for longer trips, so I think I'm going to get a bike. If Chris can ride to RB every day then I certainly can ride around town when I need to go places.
The bike will have to wait a few weeks though, since we're moving up the street, which I'm really happy about. Hopefully it will be the last place we move in San Diego. I can't wait to get the hell out of here. I'm still trying to figure out the school-type logistics for my plan, it's kind of looking like I need to put together my own program for myself stitched out of what I can find around here. Unless I want to move to NYC or Austin, which can't really happen at the moment. Practicality is a good trait to have, for sure, but fuck if I don't feel trapped by my own sense of it sometimes.
Also I've finally started reading for serious again. I'm averaging a book every 1-2 days, which makes me happy and feel like myself again in a way I haven't felt in probably a decade. And I'm keeping a journal again, straight password-protected, invite only, internet style like it's 1996.
I have to take pinup pictures today for someones tattoo. Haha.
Posted by
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The past week:
Friday the redhead from News Radio, Vicki Lewis, came to one of our shows. I loved News Radio so I thought that was cool. She came to my window to pick up tickets with her boyfriend/husband/fiance and I totally recognized her but I didn't want to be annoying so I didn't say anything. I looked her up on Wikipedia afterward and saw that it said she was engaged to the guy who she was with, whose name the tickets were bought under, so then I knew it was her. Small time sighting, but seriously, I love that show.
Now onto the hilarity of yesterday.
While at work this old guy walks up to my window. He looks like a combo of Christoper Walken and Robert Goulet, only homeless. He was wearing a track suit, an old man sweater, Mardi Gras beads, and a GINORMOUS amethyst pinky ring. He starts asking me about the smaller theatre we have, what kind of shows we put on in it, if we ever rent it out, what it takes to rent it out, etc. I tell him the little bit I know about that stuff, but I don't know much cause I don't really work with rentals. So Jason goes to get him the card of the guy who handles renting out the theatre and this guy starts talking to me, telling me how pretty I am and such and then this happens:
Him: "Do you know who Lana Turner is? The actress."
Me: "Yes"
Him: "Well I used to be married to her. Also I'm a hypnotist. And I'm in the Guinness Book of World Records for the highest paid public speaker."
Now internally I'm laughing my ass off and thinking "What. A. Loon." but I'm being polite and humoring him and such because you know, he's harmless and I'm at work. He starts telling me how he wants to rent the theatre out to do a hypnotism show and such. Eventually I give him the card of the guy who handles rentals and send him on his way. We all start laughing about his craziness but then Jason decides he's going to look up Lana Turner on Wikipedia and see if there's anything to his story. LO AND FUCKING BEHOLD:
"Ronald Pellar is an American hypnotist and fraudster who performed under the stage names Ronald Dante and Dr. Dante, and who was briefly married to actress Lana Turner. He has been convicted of or pled guilty to several criminal offenses, including mail fraud in connection with his operation of the diploma mill Columbia State University and attempted murder for trying to contract for the murder of another hypnotist and entertainer. As of 2006, he had been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for 20 years for having been paid the highest-ever lecture fee. He has been known by as many as 40 aliases, including Phil Harris, Earl Clevenger, and Bonnie Ritchie."
His personal website is seriously something to behold. There was also a really detailed write-up about him in the Union-Tribune a couple of years ago. I don't know if I can pick my favorite part of his story, though I'm leaning hard toward the fact that he went to prison for putting out a hit on a rival hypnotist, but someone needs to make a movie about this man, STAT. Also, Arts Center, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rent the theatre out to Dr. Dante.
And as the topper to my story, he made me a present because I'm "so pretty":

It's a tiny poodle made from Mardi Gras beads. He even said "Woof!" and made it prance for me. My very own piece of Dr. Dante memorabilia. I shall treasure it FOREVER.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Babyfight: Where did you grow up? (Wikipedia has you moving from Madison to Seattle to start "Hey Faggot!", but doesn't go into a lot of detail about your childhood) What kind of surroundings did you live in (small town, big city, backwoods shack, etc)? Where did you go to school?
Dan Savage: I grew up on the northside of Chicago, in a neighborhood called Rogers Park (There's no apostrophe). I grew up in a two-flat that my great-grandfather owned, where my grandmother and mother grew up before me. It was a very Irish, very traditional childhood. Lots of aunts and uncles around, grandparents right downstairs, a big Catholic Church at one end of our block, a funeral home at the other, a bakery and a bar between. Everything we needed. I attended Catholic grade schools, two Catholic high schools, one public high school (I moved around a bit), then went to the U of I in downstate Illinois for college. After college I moved to Europe for a couple of years, then Madison, then Seattle....
What's it like being a dad?
It's like having a heroin problem. When it's good, man, it's total bliss. The best drug EVER. When it's bad, man, it's miserable -- you don't think it's possible to be more miserable, and you wonder why you ever picked up that needle.
Some people call you a polarizing figure, especially in Seattle and the Northwest. What would you say to that?
Some people are dumbfucks. Or is that too polarizing?
[Ed. Note: Not at all. ]
A while ago, you gained some considerable press coverage for the "santorum" campaign. What was the experience like? Are you still getting comment/media attention on that? Anyone else you can think of in the bully pulpit that deserves the treatment?
The santorum thing was poetry -- and it was as much my readers' doing as mine. A "Savage Love" reader suggested coming up with an new definition for santorum, and I was smart enough to recognize a good idea when I saw one and ran the letter. Then I sorted through suggestions from readers and ran their best suggested definitions and let the readers pick the winner. My readers decided on the winning definition -- "the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex." It was a collective effort. I get all the credit, but all I did was facilitate -- and then promote the hell out of it, of course.
I get letters every day pointing me to stories about politicians or preachers that have said something stupid, and folks are always suggesting that I give these guys the "santorum" treatment too. I don't think lightening will strike twice, though. Maybe sometime -- maybe if Huckabee is the GOP nominee.
The Seattle P-I has an article about a modeling gig at the Gage Academy which you claimed "I'm coming starkers or I'm not coming at all." Did you model in the buff, or did you keep the duds on? What was the experience like?
Oh, no. I stayed dressed. I don't like being naked in front of my boyfriend, for crying out loud. I just wanted them to think I was going to show up naked. I'd sooner lick the inside of #7 bus clean than stand before a room full of art students bare-ass naked.
Teen 'zine type fluff questions: Favorite music? Movies? TV? Comedians? Anything that comes to mind.
Love musicals, pop music that includes piano -- Elton John, Billy Joel, Scissor Sisters. Don't get to see many movies, being a parent. Loves me my John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher.
Any new projects or exciting goings-on coming up?
Just focused on the Stranger right now -- the blog, the column, the three-picture deal.
[Meta-questions from Marie]
Have you ever answered a question in your column you were pretty certain was fake, just because it was funny/entertaining?
Oh, sure. A question just has to be plausible. I mean, every question is, for all readers save one, a hypothetical. I don't run bullshit for the hell of it, but if it's a really good, compelling question and yet I have my doubts... well, sometimes I run it anyway. Readers have to remember, though, that I see the entire letter, they see edited versions. Lots of corroborating detail is omitted due to space limitations. And since the mail all comes via email I can get in touch with people who email me very easily. Sometimes a letter seems incredible but after an email exchange and perhaps a phone call, I'm convinced and I run with it.
What surprises you most about the positive/negative reactions you get? (I don't know whether the positive reaction angle or the negative reaction angle would be more interesting..haha)
What surprises me most is that people seem to think that sending me a nasty email is going to make me cry. Uh... gee. I've been at this a while, and whatever you through at me, well, I've probably heard worse by now, you know? Don't like my advice? Think I'm a jerk? Well, fine. Read someone else, or get your own advice column. No one has to read, no one has to ask for my advice.
Is there one thing you wish you never had to say in an answer again?
"Please stop having unprotected anal sex with strangers."
Posted by
This is my song for today:
Cotton candy and a rotten mouth
You know you're so fucked up
You know I couldn't help but have it for you
And everybody knows the way I walk
And knows the way I talk
And knows the way I feel about you
It's all a bunch of shit
And there's nothing to do around here
It's totally fucked up
I'm totally fucked up
Wish you were here
And streets that only turn to boulevards
And houses with back yards
and it's raining like hell on the cars
And everybody knows the way I walk
And knows the way I talk
Knows the way I feel about you
It's all a bunch of shit
And there's nothing to do around here
It's totally fucked
I'm totally fucked
Wish you were here
And if I could have my way
We'd take some drugs
And we'd smile
We'd smile
We'd smile
But not tonight, my dear
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Ryan Adams should really look into marrying me. Stat.
Posted by
Monday, January 14, 2008
Links for 2008-01-13 []
- Anti-Castro terror in South Florida | Salon News
"Anti-Castro Cuban exiles who have been linked to bombings and assassinations are living free in Miami. Does the U.S. government have a double standard when it comes to terror?"
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
[14:19] primaluxsum: i just printed out tickets for a ronald paul
[14:19] Chris: ahahaha
[14:19] Chris: he's going to pay you with gold coins with his own face on them
Posted by
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Links for 2008-01-09 []
- Anthony Bourdain | The A.V. Club
Really great interview. - SuicideGirls > News > Politics > Fuck Ron Paul
Hear Hear. - Serious Eats: Recipes: Cook the Book: Portobello Panini with Gorgonzola and Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Ohm nom nom. Jesus this sounds good. - VeganYumYum » Slow Rise Pizza Dough
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Neuro from the nerves, the silver paths. Romancer. Necromancer. I call up the dead. But no, my friend, I am the dead, and their land
In much cooler news, David Fincher is making a film of the Fitzgerald story "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Yayz. IMDB page is here. I don't know how I feel about Brad Pitt playing the title role. But it's sure as shit better than Hayden Fucking Christensen.
Posted by
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
New Year's Eve Fantastical Karaoke Adventure Party
See the rest of the pictures here.
2008 so far has rocked. I've got high hopes and big plans. And I will leave you with this gem:
Sam Adams Honey Porter tastes delicious. The End.
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