First off, last Sunday, Bill and Maria came out from New Jersey and we had oodles of fun. One day the three of us woke up at 9 am and drank Bloody Marys basically all day and it was fantastic (Chris joined us once he got off of work). We went down to Balboa Park another day and went to some mueseums. And there was a drunken night in there as well where we wandered around Grand from Fillipi's to O'Sullivans to Pounders. Woo. Apparently I am "The Dream Shatter-er" now, a title which I answer to proudly, I must admit.
Friday the redhead from News Radio, Vicki Lewis, came to one of our shows. I loved News Radio so I thought that was cool. She came to my window to pick up tickets with her boyfriend/husband/fiance and I totally recognized her but I didn't want to be annoying so I didn't say anything. I looked her up on Wikipedia afterward and saw that it said she was engaged to the guy who she was with, whose name the tickets were bought under, so then I knew it was her. Small time sighting, but seriously, I love that show.
Now onto the hilarity of yesterday.
While at work this old guy walks up to my window. He looks like a combo of Christoper Walken and Robert Goulet, only homeless. He was wearing a track suit, an old man sweater, Mardi Gras beads, and a GINORMOUS amethyst pinky ring. He starts asking me about the smaller theatre we have, what kind of shows we put on in it, if we ever rent it out, what it takes to rent it out, etc. I tell him the little bit I know about that stuff, but I don't know much cause I don't really work with rentals. So Jason goes to get him the card of the guy who handles renting out the theatre and this guy starts talking to me, telling me how pretty I am and such and then this happens:
Him: "Do you know who Lana Turner is? The actress."
Me: "Yes"
Him: "Well I used to be married to her. Also I'm a hypnotist. And I'm in the Guinness Book of World Records for the highest paid public speaker."
Now internally I'm laughing my ass off and thinking "What. A. Loon." but I'm being polite and humoring him and such because you know, he's harmless and I'm at work. He starts telling me how he wants to rent the theatre out to do a hypnotism show and such. Eventually I give him the card of the guy who handles rentals and send him on his way. We all start laughing about his craziness but then Jason decides he's going to look up Lana Turner on Wikipedia and see if there's anything to his story. LO AND FUCKING BEHOLD:
"Ronald Pellar is an American hypnotist and fraudster who performed under the stage names Ronald Dante and Dr. Dante, and who was briefly married to actress Lana Turner. He has been convicted of or pled guilty to several criminal offenses, including mail fraud in connection with his operation of the diploma mill Columbia State University and attempted murder for trying to contract for the murder of another hypnotist and entertainer. As of 2006, he had been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for 20 years for having been paid the highest-ever lecture fee. He has been known by as many as 40 aliases, including Phil Harris, Earl Clevenger, and Bonnie Ritchie."
His personal website is seriously something to behold. There was also a really detailed write-up about him in the Union-Tribune a couple of years ago. I don't know if I can pick my favorite part of his story, though I'm leaning hard toward the fact that he went to prison for putting out a hit on a rival hypnotist, but someone needs to make a movie about this man, STAT. Also, Arts Center, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rent the theatre out to Dr. Dante.
And as the topper to my story, he made me a present because I'm "so pretty":

It's a tiny poodle made from Mardi Gras beads. He even said "Woof!" and made it prance for me. My very own piece of Dr. Dante memorabilia. I shall treasure it FOREVER.
Friday the redhead from News Radio, Vicki Lewis, came to one of our shows. I loved News Radio so I thought that was cool. She came to my window to pick up tickets with her boyfriend/husband/fiance and I totally recognized her but I didn't want to be annoying so I didn't say anything. I looked her up on Wikipedia afterward and saw that it said she was engaged to the guy who she was with, whose name the tickets were bought under, so then I knew it was her. Small time sighting, but seriously, I love that show.
Now onto the hilarity of yesterday.
While at work this old guy walks up to my window. He looks like a combo of Christoper Walken and Robert Goulet, only homeless. He was wearing a track suit, an old man sweater, Mardi Gras beads, and a GINORMOUS amethyst pinky ring. He starts asking me about the smaller theatre we have, what kind of shows we put on in it, if we ever rent it out, what it takes to rent it out, etc. I tell him the little bit I know about that stuff, but I don't know much cause I don't really work with rentals. So Jason goes to get him the card of the guy who handles renting out the theatre and this guy starts talking to me, telling me how pretty I am and such and then this happens:
Him: "Do you know who Lana Turner is? The actress."
Me: "Yes"
Him: "Well I used to be married to her. Also I'm a hypnotist. And I'm in the Guinness Book of World Records for the highest paid public speaker."
Now internally I'm laughing my ass off and thinking "What. A. Loon." but I'm being polite and humoring him and such because you know, he's harmless and I'm at work. He starts telling me how he wants to rent the theatre out to do a hypnotism show and such. Eventually I give him the card of the guy who handles rentals and send him on his way. We all start laughing about his craziness but then Jason decides he's going to look up Lana Turner on Wikipedia and see if there's anything to his story. LO AND FUCKING BEHOLD:
"Ronald Pellar is an American hypnotist and fraudster who performed under the stage names Ronald Dante and Dr. Dante, and who was briefly married to actress Lana Turner. He has been convicted of or pled guilty to several criminal offenses, including mail fraud in connection with his operation of the diploma mill Columbia State University and attempted murder for trying to contract for the murder of another hypnotist and entertainer. As of 2006, he had been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for 20 years for having been paid the highest-ever lecture fee. He has been known by as many as 40 aliases, including Phil Harris, Earl Clevenger, and Bonnie Ritchie."
His personal website is seriously something to behold. There was also a really detailed write-up about him in the Union-Tribune a couple of years ago. I don't know if I can pick my favorite part of his story, though I'm leaning hard toward the fact that he went to prison for putting out a hit on a rival hypnotist, but someone needs to make a movie about this man, STAT. Also, Arts Center, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rent the theatre out to Dr. Dante.
And as the topper to my story, he made me a present because I'm "so pretty":

It's a tiny poodle made from Mardi Gras beads. He even said "Woof!" and made it prance for me. My very own piece of Dr. Dante memorabilia. I shall treasure it FOREVER.
1 comment:
haha...that is awesome. If they rent him the theater let me know.
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