Monday, December 31, 2007

Saturday, December 29, 2007

A few quick updates:

First, pictures!
We went down to the San Diego Bay Parade of Lights a couple of weeks ago. The theme was pirates! Pictures I took from Tuna Harbor are here. (I put them and the Xmas pics in my other picasa gallery, the "family-safe" one. Ha.)
I took a few pics on Xmas with the family, they're here.
And finally, I made zucchini-chocolate biscotti for my mom and Scott for Xmas, and it turned out amazingly good, even though I was totally winging it, recipe-wise. The recipe is over at Cooking in Esco.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Vandals Winter Formal

It ruled. They covered "America. Fuck Yeah!" from Team America and for the last encore, Warren did a mash-up of "The First Noel" and Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" and it was amazing. I paid 6 bucks for Bud Light in a can. Oh LA. Then we met up with Aaron and his brother and went to Mel's and had beers and food and laughed at people, because there was some seriously funny shit. Oh also, as we were walking to the House of Blues, some dudes were apparently trying to rob that Pink Dot liquor store on Sunset and so we got to stand at the light there, waiting to cross, while the cops had like 8 dudes on the ground with guns out and all that shit. Hilarity.

Friday, December 21, 2007

They're demolishing..

the Antiques Mall at 3rd and Escondido Blvd, which is right behind my apartments. They've been doing it for about a week now. This is what I get to wake up to every morning. And then I get to listen to it for 4 hours until I go to work. I think it's making me slightly batty.

Also, I'm really sick of the reoccurring dreams. And I will be happy when this Xmas thing is over. And so concludes my bitching.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Tis the season...

for fucking weirdness. Thursday, while at work, I had these three things happen to me:
1. Ran into the uncle of a friend I had when I was 12, he recognized me even though he hadn't seen me in like 14 years, and put me back in touch with that friend.
2. Thuggish boy who looked about 18 but said he was 21 spent about 20 minutes at my window hitting on me and harassing me while I was trying to work. Eventually he began to walk away and then two seconds later he and his friends were in some sort of fight with a kid who works with me in front of my window. No idea how it started. Then they tried to fight with security. Then they ran. Cops were called, I had to give a statement, etc..
3. Was helping a woman order tickets for a show on the phone, totally normal call, then at the end she says "Oh while I have you on the phone....oregano is good for the common cold if you make a tea with it"
"Oh ok, good to know, thanks."
Then she proceeds to basically read a list of herbs and their medicinal uses for about 10 minutes, while I keep trying to get off the phone, but I can't really be rude, so I'm basically stuck listening to her. Finally, when she got to the part about about yeast infections and douching, I was like "Woah thar! OK gotta go!" and just hung up.

I'm glad I'm off for three days. Billy Ray Cyrus is playing a show there today, some benefit for Make a Wish, and it's sold out, so I'm really happy in particular that I'm not working today. Also I was fine last night and then woke up this morning with a full blown cold. Que. La. Fuck.
Today is my last day on the mountain, but now I have to drive down to my apartment to get my DayQuil. Then I have to drive down to the airport to pick up my mom and Scott at 9. Today is dumb, I'm already done with it...haha.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's not even December yet...

and I'm already over this holiday shit. Time-travel would be so ideal. Haha.

I didn't get enough sleep last night, which I've figured out makes me a sad panda for no reason. Also Dayquil, even though my cold really doesn't care what time it is, is fucking my head up.

This is me at work, today has been crazy busy, things have gone wrong for no reason, it's all chaos. I think my cold secretly wishes it was nighttime though...mmmmNyquil.

Links for 2007-11-26 []

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A bit of this and that...

My Thanksgiving was good, I had tofurkey for the first time and I loved it. Screw the haters, that shit was bomb. Pictures are up here at CookinginEsco, and there is a link there to the larger gallery of pictures.

Today is bread baking day...making some simple crusty bread and I'm gonna start making pitas in a bit.

The next few weeks are going to be busy and stupid as hell. Tons of xmas shows, family emergency stuff that has resulted in me having to house sit and take time off of work to do so, and other stupid shit that I've got to take care of. Ugh, stress. I really kind of hate this time of year. Especially since I just want to play in some snow.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Bas and I have the best conversations...

(20:04:07) Marie: chimay is like gods pee
(20:04:08) Bas: served to you by belgians
(20:04:10) Marie: into my mouth
(20:04:12) Bas: palm is good
(20:04:16) Bas: god's piss is rank
(20:04:28) Marie: maybe it's gods cocubine's pee
(20:04:33) Bas: jesus?
(20:04:35) Marie: like one of the greek goddesses or something
(20:04:39) Bas: ida?
(20:04:47) Marie: aphrodite
(20:04:49) Bas: ida would piss a mean cup of pee
(20:04:58) Bas: aphrodite's shit would be all herpessed up
(20:05:02) Marie: no way
(20:05:04) Marie: she's a goddess
(20:05:05) Bas: way
(20:05:07) Marie: she had magics
(20:05:11) Marie: that protect her vag

More dream fun..

So here's what I woke up from at five in the morning:
I was watching tv on a bed with some dude, I don't even know if it was someone I know in real life, or someone just made up in my mind. He gets on top of me and we're kinda making out, and he's totally a lot bigger than I am, cause really who isn't? Then in my dream-mind I think "He's going to stab you in the heart with a scalpel, he's done it before, and you died"...then he kind of pins me down with his body, and covers my mouth with his so I can't scream, and stabs me in the heart with a scalpel. I felt it go in and I lost all of my breath and I think I felt myself die. Then I woke up, with a pain in my chest and my heart trying to beat its way out. Anyone wanna try to figure that one out? Ha. (I seriously almost said "take a stab at it" which was totally unintentional and too ridiculous for words.)

I don't think I have a catchy tune to relate to this.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Tell me what ritual I should have today..

I'm not a very nightmare prone person, my dreams are strictly of the ridiculously-symbolic type. I've been having insane nightmares lately though and reoccurring dreams of car crashes and others of fire. I think it's the end of the world, because obviously I alone can forsee it via my prophetic dreams....or you know, something is just wrong up in my subconscious. It's pretty annoying though because it's sort of this self-perpetuating thing I think....of these dreams waking me up, and not getting enough sleep, so I wake up kinda sad and hurty and then it's this current of emotion running all day, which I ignore, because I'd rather not feel like shit all day, and then I go to sleep and it comes out even stronger or something. Man there is too much I would rather keep not thinking about. Ha.

Oh, and via all of that comes this: songs about fire and songs about car crashes! Or at least songs I associate with those things, or those dreams, or something.

Sebadoh - On Fire
Portishead - It's a Fire
The Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning

Car Crashes:
Marilyn Manson - Just a Car Crash Away
The Normal - Warm Leatherette-I could seriously do a whole post about this song. That's for another day though.

Special Added Bonus Song:
The Birthday Party - Mutiny in Heaven-This is what the end of the world sounds like.

Friday, November 09, 2007


The time I've felt like the biggest lush in my life was not actually when I was drunk. I don't think I was even drinking. I was making empanadas for the first time. I need to roll out the dough but I don't have a rolling pin, as I'm not much of a baker. So I use one of the myriad empty wine bottles I have lying around. Then I need to cut the dough into circles, but I have no cookie cutters. Martini glass to the rescue! It was like something out of a valium-addled 50's housewife's life. Wine bottles are seriously great rolling pins though.

I thought of this because I'm making a roasted-vegetable pot pie with biscuit dough crust right now. Something about making dough always reminds me of that time. Last weekend I learned to make sushi. It was not so reminiscent of anything, but I did get pretty drunk on sake that night. There are pics up of that adventure on Cooking in Esco.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Oh man, things are so surreal right now.
I like my new job though, so I guess that's something. I saw a near old person riot at a show I had to go to for work, when an old lady began yelling at a young, female musician from the mezzanine "TURN IT DOWN! IT'S TOO LOUD!!!!" and then 20 other old people followed suit and began yelling at her. Then they all walked out, or kept complaining through the rest of the show. Hilarious and rude as fuck.

Monday, November 05, 2007

dope. guns. fucking in the streets. revolution.

This song just set me on fire. Take a listen.
Placebo - Spite & Malice (mp3 link)

Revolution, dope, guns, fucking in the streets (x2)
Aces take your time
Queens are left for dead
Jacks can stand in line
And touch themselves instead
Aces take your pity
And keep it warm in bed
Aces take your time

Cut the deck
The queens left for dead
Soft and wet, scarf tied to the bed
Jack is all tragic when he stands alone
Feeling demonic harmonic in a no go zone
You look well suited like you came to win
Lust, spite and malice, your degrees of sin
Cruising for pity and looking pretty as fuck
Ace take your chances
Queen wish you luck

Aces take your time
Draw your final breath
Jacks are feeling fine
They've clubbed themselves to death
Aces take your pity
You sleep with it instead
Aces take your time

You can play your card, I'll hold onto mine
Tied up in the reasons, Ace take your time
Looks turn to lovers, flames into fires
Jack loves his tragedy, Queen her desires
You look well suited like you came to win
Lust, spite and malice, your degrees of sin
Wrap me in your trauma and I may just give you mine
Queen take your chances
Ace take your time

Dope, guns, fucking in the streets (Revolution)
Everything will blow tonight
Either friend or foe, tonight

Cut the deck
The queens left for dead
Soft and wet, scarf tied to the bed
Jack is all tragic when he stands alone
Feeling demonic harmonic in a no go zone
You look well suited like you came to win
Lust, spite and malice, your degrees of sin
Cruising for pity and looking pretty as fuck
Ace take your chances
Queen wish you luck

Dope, guns, fucking in the streets (Revolution)
Everything will blow tonight
Either friend or foe, tonight

Sunday, November 04, 2007

More Halloween!

There are now pictures from when we dressed up on the actual holiday and went out to a show to see Brian's band Sanu as well as some other bands they were playing with, and I guess to kinda see Brian himself, who I hadn't seen in like 10 years or something..haha. Too bad we bailed out early, though the show was good.
I was a cracked porcelain doll:

From Halloween 2007

From Halloween 2007

Chris was a demon and made a small child cry:
From Halloween 2007

There are a few other pics in the gallery, go check 'em out.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Yeah I said poop on people, wanna make something of it?

(17:38:45) Marie: that emoscene site makes me want to poop on people
(17:39:29) If it ain't much, it's Dutch!: you're too emo for emoscene
(17:39:29) If it ain't much, it's Dutch!: you're queen emo scene
(17:39:29) If it ain't much, it's Dutch!: \o/
(17:39:43) Marie: dude
(17:39:51) Marie: i am OG artfag
(17:39:58) Marie: i predate emoscene by like10 years
(17:40:02) Marie: all those chicks are like 18
(17:40:07) Marie: if even
(17:40:17) Marie: and too sad to use myspace

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Who went to Bates Nut Farm to get pumpkins today?

Oh right.

From Bates Nut Farm

It was me.

Go check out the rest of the pics to see cool anipals and pumpkin patch pics and Chris looking "special"...ha.

Also I've started a Halloween pictures gallery, so far there are pictures of me
From Halloween 2007

in my costume for this Halloween party from last weekend, pictures from
From Halloween 2007

Chris' birthday party, all the Halloween decorations I've made for the apartment, and
From Halloween 2007

pumpkin carving, which is taking place tonight! I will be updating that gallery as the days go by...stay tuned, bitches!

Monday, October 22, 2007

This is what it looked like...

outside of my apartment at 7 am.

From Fire!

I'm up at my mom's house now in case they have to evacuate. I figured they were going to evacuate my neighborhood at some point anyway, and I have the bigger car so I can help her carry stuff if they need it. Also the 15 is shut down all south of here, and also north of here, so I have no idea where they would be evacuated to anyway..haha.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I need a costume!

So I haven't thought of anything yet to be for Halloween because I want to wear my purple wig (my hair is too short and difficult to do anything interesting with for a costume) but I can't think of anything/one with purple hair. I guess I'm not tied to the wig if I can find a cool costume I can do that my hair works with. I like more elaborate makeup, kinda creepy or strange costumes. And I don't want to be a skanky anime or comic book character, kthx. That's about all that comes up when I search for characters with purple hair. Desiree thought of Triana from Venture Bros. which would be cool and funny, but also kind of boring to do and I would feel like I was just some goth chick with purple hair (hello highschool!). Plus I'm not sure most people would realize it's even a costume.
For some reason I'm getting an image of green skin + purple hair, sort of like some campy monster girl or alien chick from OG Star Trek...haha.
ALSO...apparently there's a party tonight with a costume contest and I just found out about it last night so I need something to be tonight as well...dammit.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I never saw the morning til I stayed up all night...

Having an exchange about San Diego with someone who likes it much more than I do inspired this...
Tom Waits - San Diego Serenade - this version is from a live radio performance in 1975 at KQRS in Minneapolis.


good song for rainy days, since the sound of water is part of the song.
Empress - All We've Seen

I think I might like this song better

if it wasn't about Janis Joplin...but it's one of my favorites nonetheless.

Leonard Cohen - Chelsea Hotel #2

I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,
you were talking so brave and so sweet,
giving me head on the unmade bed,
while the limousines wait in the street.
Those were the reasons and that was New York,
we were running for the money and the flesh.
And that was called love for the workers in song
probably still is for those of them left.
Ah but you got away, didn't you babe,
you just turned your back on the crowd,
you got away, I never once heard you say,
I need you, I don't need you,
I need you, I don't need you
and all of that jiving around.

I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel
you were famous, your heart was a legend.
You told me again you preferred handsome men
but for me you would make an exception.
And clenching your fist for the ones like us
who are oppressed by the figures of beauty,
you fixed yourself, you said, "Well never mind,
we are ugly but we have the music."

And then you got away, didn't you babe...

I don't mean to suggest that I loved you the best,
I can't keep track of each fallen robin.
I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,
that's all, I don't even think of you that often.

Fuck it :)

Today is just gonna be music day...stick around and I'll be sharing all sorts of crap because I've nothing better to do.

The Trapeze Swinger is one of my favorite Iron and Wine songs, and it would still be even if it didn't contain the line
" and please remember me, my misery
and how it lost me all i wanted"

I thought it less like a lake and more like a moat....

I was lying in bed this morning, trying not to be awake, but my mind wasn't having it. At least life is becoming tv and the weather is conforming to my moods....and the Six Feet Under episode "Terror Starts at Home" was in my mind for some reason. I wish I had art school friends to come chill at my place and do random drugs with and such...ha. Oh well, I consoled myself by listening to the song from that episode Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie. It's a wonderful rainy-day song.

Panda and Angel's "Mexico" is another good one. Moody, moody day.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jem is excitement!

Glamor and and fame! Too bad all the pictures turned out like can't even see the glitter!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Don't walk away...

I almost cried watching the trailer for Control...watching the actual movie would probably make me die. Call me goth, call me an artfag, I don't care. Joy Division will always be one of "those" bands for me, all meaningful and amazing and special.

I kinda felt the same way when "Walk the Line" came out, though the trailer didn't actually make me sad, but I never saw it anyway. I really want to see Control though.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

I went to the park the other day....

Fall rules!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Something strange about me...

When I'm lying in bed by myself, trying to sleep, I get stupidly lonely sometimes, (which is weird because generally if there is another body in the bed I feel all cramped and constricted) and then I can't sleep at all, because I have one of those stupid heads that never shuts up. So I just keep thinking about how empty everything feels, and how lonely it is to be in a room by yourself in the dark in such a vulnerable state, etc....
So that's strange, but not very strange (I don't think?)...the way I deal with this is by sleeping with my laptop in the bed, with Pidgin open. Somehow the thought of this open connection to people I know fills a bit of that void where a body would makes no sense, but I never really thought my mind did at all....make sense, that is. I've been doing this laptop thing for about a year now. I mean not every day or anything, sometimes I've actually got the body in the bed, but when I don't....So I'm about to do that. I took some TylenolPM (tpm for short, yo) and I'm just sitting in this dark cave of an apartment, wrapped up in blankets, with my laptop, waiting for this lovely medicated sleep to kick in.
I feel like this is what the rest of my life is going to be, semblances of connection, pieces of plastic and metal keeping me company. At least laptops can't leave you, though they will eventually die. Just like everyone else.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Links for 2007-09-27 []

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I almost feel like a human today...

I think I actually may have slept some decent amount last night.
I want to make things today, especially Halloween decorations. I also have some sewing projects in mind.
Looking for a job....god I will be so happy when I find something simply so I don't have to look anymore. It's really become like an unpaid job for me at this point.
I should really clean my apartment today, I seem to have some sort of energy so maybe it won't be as daunting as it normally is.
Maybe when I'm doing that I can get rid of some stuff. Sell it on ebay, or donate it, or give it away. I've got way too much stuff piling up around here.
Ok...ready, steady, go.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Links for 2007-09-24 []

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Last night I saw a man walking down fifth with a sword.
Then I drank some Admiral Nelson.
Geordie picked us up.
San Marcos is such a weird fucking place.
Denny's even more so.
Had talks and smokes and other smokes and beers.
Came home at 5, ate pizza, drank water.
Woke up five and a half hours later and it was raining!
Making coffee, doing designs in my head.
BestWeekEver turns my giggle mechanism on.

Links for 2007-09-21 []

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cut from the same cloth, we are...

It really always comes back to Baudelaire.....

Be Drunk
by Charles Baudelaire
Translated by Louis Simpson

You have to be always drunk. That's all there is to it--it's the

only way. So as not to feel the horrible burden of time that breaks

your back and bends you to the earth, you have to be continually


But on what? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But be


And if sometimes, on the steps of a palace or the green grass of

a ditch, in the mournful solitude of your room, you wake again,

drunkenness already diminishing or gone, ask the wind, the wave,

the star, the bird, the clock, everything that is flying, everything

that is groaning, everything that is rolling, everything that is

singing, everything that is speaking. . .ask what time it is and

wind, wave, star, bird, clock will answer you: "It is time to be

drunk! So as not to be the martyred slaves of time, be drunk, be

continually drunk! On wine, on poetry or on virtue as you wish."

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Links for 2007-09-18 []

Oh you sad internet fucks....

Flickr: Photos from annie stoner
I'm so obsessed with these pictures because she so obviously photoshops her face onto random pictures yet soooo many people seem oblivious to it...she was even on fleshbot for fucks sake. The angles and shadows and lighting and just everything are so wrong...fantasy is one thing, but people seriously think she's real? (also funny because she's not really attractive, yet she puts her unattractive face on these images anyway). It's like it's 1998 again...internet hilarity at it's highest and most unintentional really.

Ask MetaFilter question about her
Fleshbot post about her

Links for 2007-09-17 []

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oh Bourbon, how I love thee....

Kentucky Bourbon Festival
Valerie (my sister) went to this yesterday. I'm so fucking jealous.

Fuck Yes

Links for 2007-09-15 []

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Scribbled Self-Portrait...

gimme some markers, ten minutes, and a camera phone and apparently I can occupy my time...and yeah the left one is really bigger.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Then leave me to my enemied dreams...

I woke up just now due to my gardeners loving their leaf-blowers way too much. That's the only way I ever know what day it is, "Oh loud noises right outside my door? Must be Tuesday." "Green Eyes" by Nick Cave was playing in my head when I woke up. I haven't listened to "The Boatman's Call" in forever but I remember the part of my dream that put it in my head, where I was explaining that the word "cunt" shouldn't really have much more impact than calling someone "asshole" because it's not as though everytime you call someone an asshole you mean it literally. And then I sang the line "This useless old fucker and his twinkling cunt doesn't care if he gets hurt"....the dreams I have when I take sleeping pills are such these weird, long, narrative things. I don't think I know anyone with green eyes anymore. I used to know a few.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Friday, September 07, 2007

I love clever takedowns...

Now I've never actually heard the entirety of "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie, mainly because I avoid her like she's the motherfucking plague spewing out of the cock-ended arm of some Hentai monster that wants to tentacle-rape me, but this is fucking fantastic:
fourfour: No. No. No. No.
A brief snippet:
"And then there's the most terrible problem with the song: its anti-expression theme, which again, suits someone as bereft of things to say as Fergie is to a T. Actually, asshole, big girls do cry -- it's just that most big girls haven't had extensive Botox and/or plastic surgery to fix their methfaces, and thus still have full use of tear ducts. Big girls do cry and, more importantly, big girls can cry. And god damn it, even if big girls don't cry they sure do whine, don't they Fergie? I want to use that fucking blanket that children miss as a gag on her."

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Links for 2007-08-31 []

Monday, August 27, 2007

Cruisin' for blowjobs....

So I was just looking on totally not work safe) to see where the local places are that people cruise for anonymous gay sex (this was all inspired by the Larry Craig thing) and these are our local, Escondido cruisy areas:

Parks Kit Carson Park Escondido Escondido , CA-Greater San Diego

Video Arcades, Theaters, Adult Bookstores, Sex Shops Adult Video Specialties Escondido (South) Escondido , CA-Greater San Diego 12 comments

Truck Stops, Rest Areas, Parking Lots Deer Springs Road ARCO station Just off the Interstate 15 deer springs exit Escondido , CA-Greater San Diego 8 comments

Video Arcades, Theaters, Adult Bookstores, Sex Shops F Street Bookstore & Adult Video Escondido , CA-Greater San Diego 2 comments

Washrooms Welk Resort San Diego N. Escondido/Vally Center Escondido , CA-Greater San Diego

Bathhouses, Saunas, Sex Clubs Escondido Sport & Fitness Escondido Escondido , CA-Greater San Diego

Washrooms N. County Fair Mall (Macy's Bathroom) Escondido Escondido , CA-Greater San Diego

Man, I had no idea...some of them make sense but like...the Lawrence Welk bathroom?! Too funny.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Holy Shit...

I've never seen the opening sequence to Chrissssssss Angel Mindfreak before. That has to be the lamest, most cringe-inducing shit ever made.

Friday, August 24, 2007

New Blog!

Hey guys...I started a new blog Cooking in Esco to share recipes and food things and whatnot, particularly because it's super easy to post recipes to my blog that I've posted to GroupRecipes. If you wanna join and post on there let me know, I kinda hope to make it a group blog of my friends to share ideas and whatnot. Otherwise it's just gonna be my sorry ass..ha. Either way, I hope it'll be something cool.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Recipes and such..

So I added a little widget over thar on the sidebar that shows the recipes I've got up on GroupRecipes. It's a pretty freakin' awesome site, both for recipe management and finding bomb-ass foods to make. If you've got an account, make me your friend sucka!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Multimedia message

Rats spooning

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Links for 2007-08-16 []

Fuck you Top Chef....

Best Week Ever » Blog Archive » Top Chef Continues Perfecting Recipe For Turning Into A Disappointing Parody Of Itself
Best Week Ever completely sums up all of my feelings on this season of Top Chef, particularly about last night's super-fucking-ridonkeylips episode. I wanna cunt-punt that "food blogger" judge they had...I'm talking right in the baby-maker folks. Throw stupid Padma in that scenario as well. I guess the only reality show left for me is "Rock of Love".....don't let me down, drunken rock sluts!

Links for 2007-08-15 []

Monday, August 13, 2007

I just made a delicious salad dressing...

It's like pad thai salad....daaaaamn. Here's the recipe:

Juice of 5 key limes (or whatever will end up with about a 1:1 ratio between the lime juice and the amount of oil you're going to use)

Into the lime juice mix:
1 tbsp dark shitake soy sauce
2 tsp crunchy, all natural peanut butter
2 tsp sugar
a few drops of sesame oil
2 tsp hot sauce (I used a mild, garlic flavored one)
as much salt, pepper, and garlic powder as you'd like
Into that drizzle some oil, I used a light olive oil/soybean oil blend, all while stirring with a fork or whisk in the same direction so that you form an emulsion. Stop when you get the viscosity and flavor-intensity you'd like.
I think this would probably make a bomb-ass marinade as well. And if I had some fresh cilantro, I totally would've added it.

All measurements are approximate, we all know I don't measure when I cook.


It's been a while since I've actually posted anything other than pictures or's what's been going on:

  • Spent 5 days in San Francisco at the end of July and it was funtastic and cold as balls.
  • Spent the past 5 days drinking and swimming, living it up in the lap of pseudo-luxury. It's the first time this summer that it's actually felt like summer to me. Yay skinny-dipping and drunken cooking.
  • Sort of been looking for a job, though it's pretty difficult because my shoulder is still messed up and I'm not sure what I'll physically be able to commit to doing.
  • Trying to figure out how to live off the's actually going pretty well so far. I'm poor as all shit after all, so it's not like I'm scamming anything..haha.
  • Trying to figure out ways to make money on top of "the man" stuff....I don't have bills and my rent is cheap ass so I figure there have to be some off-and-on type things I can do to make it work
Oh also Raeven and I watched Velvet Goldmine and realized that seriously, we were made to be rock stars. It's gonna happen...haha. No naysaying allowed.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Multimedia message

99 cent store adventures

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Multimedia message

For my homie Bas. Keeping it real in the handicap spot at Walmart, those crazy dutch canucks.

Links for 2007-07-23 []

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Multimedia message

Lordi is playing even if you cant see it here haha

Multimedia message

Welcome to ozzfest.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Oh my god I hate everything

(13:38:28) Marie: oh my god fuck today
(13:38:32) Marie: i just went to target
(13:38:41) Marie: and i was pulling into a spot between two giant suvs
(13:38:49) Marie: so i barely tapped the bumper of one
(13:39:02) Marie: and when i got out i looked at it and there wasn't even a mark or anything
(13:39:07) Marie: cause i was going like 1 mile an hour
(13:39:14) Marie: and it was a fucking denali or some shit
(13:39:32) Marie: and this cunt across the way is like "are you going to write a note!?@1 you just hit that car?!!@!@"
(13:39:45) Marie: and i'm like "yes, now mind your own fucking business"
(13:39:54) Marie: and she's sitting there with her kid like writing my number down
(13:40:15) Marie: and she stood there the whole time i was writing a note
(13:40:25) Marie: and this other lady was like "do you two know each other?"
(13:40:31) Marie: and she was like "no but she hit that car!!!"
(13:40:42) Marie: and the other lady was just like "uh ok"
(13:40:53) Marie: and so i wrote the note cause she was fucking just standing there
(13:40:59) Marie: and then i went in for like 2 minutes
(13:41:04) Marie: came out and the denali was still there
(13:41:09) Marie: so i took a picture of the bumpet
(13:41:12) Marie: bumper
(13:41:16) Marie: and took my fucking note back

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Links for 2007-07-11 []

Monday, July 02, 2007

Too much drama Dad and Mama....

So in the ongoing saga of my injury today my physical therapist called me "Marcy", which is slightly better than the last time I was there, my third visit, where at the end of it she couldn't remember my name at all and had to ask and also didn't remember which shoulder was injured even though she'd just done an ultrasound and massage on it, not to mention had treated me for two appointments prior.

Then when her assistant or whoever she is went to do the weird "stim"/electrode thing she shocked the fuck out of my shoulder, right in the front where a majority of the pain has been. It felt like being tasered or something, and I just reacted, literally doubling over and curling into a ball while yelling "OW OW OW OW" and tearing up. For those of you who don't know, it's really, REALLY not supposed to do that. So she stopped it right then, apologized, and then continued to try to use those things on me, which continued to be painful (possibly cause my shoulder just HURT so bad from being shocked seconds before) though not intensely painful, just more like a stinging, which it's also not supposed to do. Eventually she found something that was "ok", though it didn't feel good, and I think it was fine solely because my shoulder had an ice pack on it that entire time and so was fairly numb at that point. So now in addition to being sore from the cortisone injections, I am now very sore and stinging from being ELECTROCUTED. I hate *.

Anyone know any good physical therapists?

Links for 2007-07-01 []

Friday, June 29, 2007


(18:33:02) Chris Bennett: i just made a baby cry

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My dinner was bomb...

I made chiles rellenos for the first time. Here's the recipe, yo.

3 poblanos, roasted and skinned. Basically to do this you just stick them under the broiler for 15 minutes or so with some olive oil, take them out when the skin is black and blistered, toss 'em in a paper or plastic bag and seal it up pretty well for about 10 minutes, take them out and peel them with your hands under some running water. Super easy. Cut a slit in them and get the seeds out of there, I find running water helps a lot with this step as well.

For the filling I used half a link of soyrizo, two pattypan squash(one yellow, one green, both fairly small as I got them from the Esco farmer's market), and about half a container of mushrooms. I diced up the squash and mushrooms, sauteed them with some salt and pepper until A LOT of the water had cooked out and they had shrunk a bunch, threw the soyrizo in there and sauteed that some more to get a little texture and crisp on the sausage.

For the batter, take two eggs, seperate them, beat the whites until frothy and the yolks just a bit. To the whites stir in 1/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup milk, and about 1/8 to 1/4 tsp baking soda. Then fold the yolks in.

Take a little baking pan, I used a brownie pan, and spoon about half of the batter into the bottom. Stuff the stuffing into the slits in the peppers. I found the easiest way to do this was to cradle the peppers in my left hand, one at a time, while using my right hand for spooning and stuffing....messy, but it works. As each one is done, put it in the pan. Once they're all done, sprinkle them with shredded cheese. I used Monterey Jack cause I'm a cheapass, but you can use any soft, white Mexican cheese as well. Then pour the rest of the batter over that. It's not going to be enough to completely cover it like a cassarole or anything, just more like a little shell.

Now bake that at 375 for 30 minutes or so. I topped mine with some hot sauce and sour cream. It ruled.

My shoulder started to feel better today, which is how I was finally able to cook, but it's not 100%. I don't know that I should've done that much, cause it feels a little pinched, but I'm getting steroid shots tomorrow anyway so fuck it.

Links for 2007-06-27 []

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Not that I eat much fish anyway...

but I guess it's time to start paying more attention to the fish I do eat.


So I looked over the paper my doctor gave me and it says tendinosis not tendonitis so I've been reading a little about it this morning, cause I had no idea what that meant: Home Page (research into tendinosis, tendinitis, and chronic tendon injuries)

"When tendinosis in an upper extremity is at its worst, people often
have trouble performing even the simplest daily tasks such as opening
doors, brushing teeth, shampooing hair, cutting and stirring food,
tying shoes, turning pages of books and magazines, picking up children,
and writing checks."

Haha. That's exactly what I'm going through right now. It's pretty fucking frustrating. Everything is so up in the air.

I had my first physical therapy appointment yesterday. I have two more this week. They hooked these electrodes up to the muscles in my shoulder and used them to stimulate the muscles. It was very weird and neat...haha.

Anyone wanna come be my maid?

Links for 2007-06-25 []

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Diagnosis is....

I have bicipital tendonitis and myofascial strain. I start physical therapy on Monday. I hate my job.

Multimedia message

Waiting for my xrays at work...yay for work injuries!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Links for 2007-06-17 []

Links for 2007-06-16 []

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fishes have no goods metals to listen to...

So Ozzfest is totally free this year so I'm totally going. I GET TO SEE LORDI! ALSO NILE WILL MAKE MY EARS BLEED. It's gonna be so good and so so so so bad at the same time. If anyone else has decided to brave the unwashed suburban metal masses for the dry, stank smog of Devore, California let me know.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Links for 2007-06-03 []

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Multimedia message

I look crazy as balls in my id picture ha

Multimedia message

Pirate flag and a jesus fish on my way to san diego this morning

Monday, May 28, 2007

Links for 2007-05-28 []

Many miles away...

ugh...fucking synchronicity weekends. I swear it's any goddamn holiday or something. The funny synchronicity happens to be that I'm totally watching Zoolander now.

I climb through the window and down the street, shining like a new dime..

So Garth asked I write about something that happened the other night. It feels weird to do so right now, so I will super-summarize it.

Charles and Ross got stuck downtown for reasons I vaguely heard about but which are none of my business really. I made a crazy three a.m. adventure run to rescue their drunk asses...haha. Dropped them off at Charles' place, we had a beer and what I like to call a "Zoolander conversation" know...the one where Derek goes to hide at Hansel's place but first they have to hash it all out, "Why you been acting so messed up towards me?" "I don't know, why you been acting so messed up towards ME?" Anyway...we went out to breakfast and I dropped him off at 8 am. Came home and passed out for a few hours and then drank some beers. That is all. It was weird and nice and unexpected and still a little surreal.

I start my job tomorrow. I'm chillin' at home by my lonesome today, bored. I took some Kava Kava to see if it will help with my anxiety. It's kinda nice but it's making my tummy rumble. Or that could be hunger. Not really sure.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I moved!

The gay roomie and I got a new place! yay!

Me gusta mucho. We finally got the internets after a week of stealing it from the tribal headquarters next least when they had their router up.

It's in downtown Esco, I can walk everywhere and it's super. Ross is down this weekend and we've been drinking it up. I had a drunken breakdown confessional moment last night which is still really embarrassing for me to think about. He's off with daddy tonight, per his custody arrangement or something, so I'm making friends with the rest of my handle of "Vodka of the Gods" know you're jealous.

I'm sure there will be pictures soon.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Links for 2007-05-15 []

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Here's a little glimpse into my head via the music I've been jamming to:
ShitDisco - Ok - I pretty much knew I would like this band cause of their name. Randomly saw them on a Spanish-language mp3 blog today (their stuff is in English though).
Jens Lekman - Sky Phenomenon - I'd never heard this Jens song before. It makes you want to die, then makes you laugh, then kinda want to die again. Oh happily-depressed Swedes.
Bloc Party - Atonement - Read the lyrics, you'll get it.
Sisters of Mercy - Gimme Shelter - The Sisters were my favorite band all through my high school gothy days. This cover rules and I'd never even heard it until a few days ago. How can such a tiny man have such an intense baritone? It's a mystery!
M.I.A. - Hit That - Off her new album. I liked her old stuff. I do enjoy this.
The Knife - Heartbeats - I totally love The Knife. This song puts me in one of those "life is ridiculous and I can totally accept that and just dance" moods...haha. Damn those Swedes. Lyrics.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

What am I still to you? Some thief who stole from you? Or some fool drama-queen whose chances were few?

So even though I got a job I applied for another job because I don't think I actually want the job I got. Dropping off my application at the new job resulted in a driving-home-crying-jag that was completely unexpected though I know why it happened.
"There is no knowledge but I know it
There's nothing to learn from that vacant voice"
I'm supposed to go to a wedding today. Who plans a wedding the day before mother's day anyway? I haven't been to a wedding since I was probably 11 years old so it might be a little weird. Also I'm a fucking wreck..haha. That might be the weirder part. Every time I sleep I wake up from nightmares. Yesterday I woke up at 7:30 because I had a dream I got shot in the head. Tried to take a nap and woke up from a different one. I haven't had more than four hours of sleep in I don't know how long and it's making my brain scrambled and muddled and heightening my emotions and making me irrational and just generally compounding everything to ridiculous levels of suck.
I miss everything. I'm bored with and angry and fed up with all of life outside my very immediate bubble. It's weird figuring out that you weren't lonely just because you were 3000 miles from home.

p.s. Apparently The Immigrant Song is in Shrek

Links for 2007-05-11 []

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I got a job today...

like a real one. Also, completely randomly, I got a freelance design job.

Going to look at apartments tomorrow.

Life is for losers.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Oh also...

this is carriet's "counter to Harry Potter"!!!! (I love the exclamation marks). Apparently she wants 20 bucks for it and loves to both use commas in inappropriate places and not use them where grammar dictates she should! Oh, also everything else is really bad too! Buy it today!

Oh also I found more stuff...I almost feel bad but not's her more detailed description of her book:
"Action thriller novel that you will not only read but you EXPERIENCE ! Exposes what is really happening today that stays hidden so it traps you - EVERYTHING WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN DETAIL since it was written in 1997 ! - Is a very prophetic book !!
The invisible comes ALIVE - ALL ages are amazed by this book ! Exposes what you NEED to know in order to survive. Shows HOW Satan invades YOUR life DAILY and you do not know it ! You NEED this thriller novel to show how to fight and survive these last days ! Order online or by regular mail directly from publisher at POWERS IN THE AIR web site."

Found here.

And this appears to be her own site for her book.....and I shall leave you with that.


So I'm watching the movie Exorcism on SciFi right now....and it is so amazingly horrible it defies instead I will link to the IMDB user reviews which are a hilarious mixture of Christians who love the "reality of it and the Scripture all the way through with the TRUTH for a change, made me write to Scifi and ask them to re-run this film!" and pissed off horror junkies who laugh at the horrible acting (and boy oh boy is it BAD).

Pay careful attention for the review from "carriet" (who I quoted above), he/she wrote a book that has been called the "counter to Harry Potter"!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Links for 2007-05-03 []

Links for 2007-05-02 []

    Has way more tools than Snipshot.....much slower though.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Unkool Kids Klub

I'm just throwing this up as a reminder to the blagoweb that I have another blog in addition to this one called Unkool Kids Klub or "UKK" as all the cool kids say. It's a group blog starring me, Garth, and Garth's friend Courtney...and we post funny and neat things...low on the text, heavy on the check it.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Links for 2007-04-30 []