Thursday, January 31, 2008
God I am fucking cool.
(10:27:47) Bas: i was like
(10:27:58) Bas: 'you should give me a ride home'
(10:27:58) Bas: and she's like
(10:27:58) Bas: 'okay'
(10:28:02) Bas: but then her friend cockblocked
(10:28:05) Bas: and dragged her away
(10:28:25) Marie: hahaha
(10:28:37) Marie: girls with girl friends are lame
(10:28:44) Marie: their friends are always like "OMG NO"
(10:28:53) Marie: cause they think they're "protecting" them
(10:28:58) Marie: and the chick just wants to bone down
(10:29:04) Marie: but they don't want to say it
(10:29:19) Marie: cause then "MY FRIENDS WILL THINK IM A WHORE OH NOES"
(10:30:32) Marie: "LETZ DRINK COZMOS NOW"
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You're doomed to repeat the past cause nothing is gonna last
I'm trying to figure out how to live without a car. I think I've fixed mine for now though I have to go take a look at it again today, because I actually have a day off that it isn't raining on, and see if there's anything else I need to work on. Either way, I'm glad I can walk to work. I wish I didn't need the car at all though, or only for longer trips, so I think I'm going to get a bike. If Chris can ride to RB every day then I certainly can ride around town when I need to go places.
The bike will have to wait a few weeks though, since we're moving up the street, which I'm really happy about. Hopefully it will be the last place we move in San Diego. I can't wait to get the hell out of here. I'm still trying to figure out the school-type logistics for my plan, it's kind of looking like I need to put together my own program for myself stitched out of what I can find around here. Unless I want to move to NYC or Austin, which can't really happen at the moment. Practicality is a good trait to have, for sure, but fuck if I don't feel trapped by my own sense of it sometimes.
Also I've finally started reading for serious again. I'm averaging a book every 1-2 days, which makes me happy and feel like myself again in a way I haven't felt in probably a decade. And I'm keeping a journal again, straight password-protected, invite only, internet style like it's 1996.
I have to take pinup pictures today for someones tattoo. Haha.
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Sunday, January 27, 2008
The past week:
Friday the redhead from News Radio, Vicki Lewis, came to one of our shows. I loved News Radio so I thought that was cool. She came to my window to pick up tickets with her boyfriend/husband/fiance and I totally recognized her but I didn't want to be annoying so I didn't say anything. I looked her up on Wikipedia afterward and saw that it said she was engaged to the guy who she was with, whose name the tickets were bought under, so then I knew it was her. Small time sighting, but seriously, I love that show.
Now onto the hilarity of yesterday.
While at work this old guy walks up to my window. He looks like a combo of Christoper Walken and Robert Goulet, only homeless. He was wearing a track suit, an old man sweater, Mardi Gras beads, and a GINORMOUS amethyst pinky ring. He starts asking me about the smaller theatre we have, what kind of shows we put on in it, if we ever rent it out, what it takes to rent it out, etc. I tell him the little bit I know about that stuff, but I don't know much cause I don't really work with rentals. So Jason goes to get him the card of the guy who handles renting out the theatre and this guy starts talking to me, telling me how pretty I am and such and then this happens:
Him: "Do you know who Lana Turner is? The actress."
Me: "Yes"
Him: "Well I used to be married to her. Also I'm a hypnotist. And I'm in the Guinness Book of World Records for the highest paid public speaker."
Now internally I'm laughing my ass off and thinking "What. A. Loon." but I'm being polite and humoring him and such because you know, he's harmless and I'm at work. He starts telling me how he wants to rent the theatre out to do a hypnotism show and such. Eventually I give him the card of the guy who handles rentals and send him on his way. We all start laughing about his craziness but then Jason decides he's going to look up Lana Turner on Wikipedia and see if there's anything to his story. LO AND FUCKING BEHOLD:
"Ronald Pellar is an American hypnotist and fraudster who performed under the stage names Ronald Dante and Dr. Dante, and who was briefly married to actress Lana Turner. He has been convicted of or pled guilty to several criminal offenses, including mail fraud in connection with his operation of the diploma mill Columbia State University and attempted murder for trying to contract for the murder of another hypnotist and entertainer. As of 2006, he had been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for 20 years for having been paid the highest-ever lecture fee. He has been known by as many as 40 aliases, including Phil Harris, Earl Clevenger, and Bonnie Ritchie."
His personal website is seriously something to behold. There was also a really detailed write-up about him in the Union-Tribune a couple of years ago. I don't know if I can pick my favorite part of his story, though I'm leaning hard toward the fact that he went to prison for putting out a hit on a rival hypnotist, but someone needs to make a movie about this man, STAT. Also, Arts Center, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rent the theatre out to Dr. Dante.
And as the topper to my story, he made me a present because I'm "so pretty":

It's a tiny poodle made from Mardi Gras beads. He even said "Woof!" and made it prance for me. My very own piece of Dr. Dante memorabilia. I shall treasure it FOREVER.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Babyfight: Where did you grow up? (Wikipedia has you moving from Madison to Seattle to start "Hey Faggot!", but doesn't go into a lot of detail about your childhood) What kind of surroundings did you live in (small town, big city, backwoods shack, etc)? Where did you go to school?
Dan Savage: I grew up on the northside of Chicago, in a neighborhood called Rogers Park (There's no apostrophe). I grew up in a two-flat that my great-grandfather owned, where my grandmother and mother grew up before me. It was a very Irish, very traditional childhood. Lots of aunts and uncles around, grandparents right downstairs, a big Catholic Church at one end of our block, a funeral home at the other, a bakery and a bar between. Everything we needed. I attended Catholic grade schools, two Catholic high schools, one public high school (I moved around a bit), then went to the U of I in downstate Illinois for college. After college I moved to Europe for a couple of years, then Madison, then Seattle....
What's it like being a dad?
It's like having a heroin problem. When it's good, man, it's total bliss. The best drug EVER. When it's bad, man, it's miserable -- you don't think it's possible to be more miserable, and you wonder why you ever picked up that needle.
Some people call you a polarizing figure, especially in Seattle and the Northwest. What would you say to that?
Some people are dumbfucks. Or is that too polarizing?
[Ed. Note: Not at all. ]
A while ago, you gained some considerable press coverage for the "santorum" campaign. What was the experience like? Are you still getting comment/media attention on that? Anyone else you can think of in the bully pulpit that deserves the treatment?
The santorum thing was poetry -- and it was as much my readers' doing as mine. A "Savage Love" reader suggested coming up with an new definition for santorum, and I was smart enough to recognize a good idea when I saw one and ran the letter. Then I sorted through suggestions from readers and ran their best suggested definitions and let the readers pick the winner. My readers decided on the winning definition -- "the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex." It was a collective effort. I get all the credit, but all I did was facilitate -- and then promote the hell out of it, of course.
I get letters every day pointing me to stories about politicians or preachers that have said something stupid, and folks are always suggesting that I give these guys the "santorum" treatment too. I don't think lightening will strike twice, though. Maybe sometime -- maybe if Huckabee is the GOP nominee.
The Seattle P-I has an article about a modeling gig at the Gage Academy which you claimed "I'm coming starkers or I'm not coming at all." Did you model in the buff, or did you keep the duds on? What was the experience like?
Oh, no. I stayed dressed. I don't like being naked in front of my boyfriend, for crying out loud. I just wanted them to think I was going to show up naked. I'd sooner lick the inside of #7 bus clean than stand before a room full of art students bare-ass naked.
Teen 'zine type fluff questions: Favorite music? Movies? TV? Comedians? Anything that comes to mind.
Love musicals, pop music that includes piano -- Elton John, Billy Joel, Scissor Sisters. Don't get to see many movies, being a parent. Loves me my John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher.
Any new projects or exciting goings-on coming up?
Just focused on the Stranger right now -- the blog, the column, the three-picture deal.
[Meta-questions from Marie]
Have you ever answered a question in your column you were pretty certain was fake, just because it was funny/entertaining?
Oh, sure. A question just has to be plausible. I mean, every question is, for all readers save one, a hypothetical. I don't run bullshit for the hell of it, but if it's a really good, compelling question and yet I have my doubts... well, sometimes I run it anyway. Readers have to remember, though, that I see the entire letter, they see edited versions. Lots of corroborating detail is omitted due to space limitations. And since the mail all comes via email I can get in touch with people who email me very easily. Sometimes a letter seems incredible but after an email exchange and perhaps a phone call, I'm convinced and I run with it.
What surprises you most about the positive/negative reactions you get? (I don't know whether the positive reaction angle or the negative reaction angle would be more interesting..haha)
What surprises me most is that people seem to think that sending me a nasty email is going to make me cry. Uh... gee. I've been at this a while, and whatever you through at me, well, I've probably heard worse by now, you know? Don't like my advice? Think I'm a jerk? Well, fine. Read someone else, or get your own advice column. No one has to read, no one has to ask for my advice.
Is there one thing you wish you never had to say in an answer again?
"Please stop having unprotected anal sex with strangers."
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This is my song for today:
Cotton candy and a rotten mouth
You know you're so fucked up
You know I couldn't help but have it for you
And everybody knows the way I walk
And knows the way I talk
And knows the way I feel about you
It's all a bunch of shit
And there's nothing to do around here
It's totally fucked up
I'm totally fucked up
Wish you were here
And streets that only turn to boulevards
And houses with back yards
and it's raining like hell on the cars
And everybody knows the way I walk
And knows the way I talk
Knows the way I feel about you
It's all a bunch of shit
And there's nothing to do around here
It's totally fucked
I'm totally fucked
Wish you were here
And if I could have my way
We'd take some drugs
And we'd smile
We'd smile
We'd smile
But not tonight, my dear
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Ryan Adams should really look into marrying me. Stat.
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Monday, January 14, 2008
Links for 2008-01-13 []
- Anti-Castro terror in South Florida | Salon News
"Anti-Castro Cuban exiles who have been linked to bombings and assassinations are living free in Miami. Does the U.S. government have a double standard when it comes to terror?"
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
[14:19] primaluxsum: i just printed out tickets for a ronald paul
[14:19] Chris: ahahaha
[14:19] Chris: he's going to pay you with gold coins with his own face on them
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Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Links for 2008-01-09 []
- Anthony Bourdain | The A.V. Club
Really great interview. - SuicideGirls > News > Politics > Fuck Ron Paul
Hear Hear. - Serious Eats: Recipes: Cook the Book: Portobello Panini with Gorgonzola and Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Ohm nom nom. Jesus this sounds good. - VeganYumYum » Slow Rise Pizza Dough
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Neuro from the nerves, the silver paths. Romancer. Necromancer. I call up the dead. But no, my friend, I am the dead, and their land
In much cooler news, David Fincher is making a film of the Fitzgerald story "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Yayz. IMDB page is here. I don't know how I feel about Brad Pitt playing the title role. But it's sure as shit better than Hayden Fucking Christensen.
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Sunday, January 06, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
New Year's Eve Fantastical Karaoke Adventure Party
See the rest of the pictures here.
2008 so far has rocked. I've got high hopes and big plans. And I will leave you with this gem:
Sam Adams Honey Porter tastes delicious. The End.
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