Sunday, March 25, 2007


So Desi invited me out to this club thing last night...I had a fun time, the "club" was lame as all hell though...instead of writing about it, I'm just going to paste my conversation I had with Bas about it earlier today:

(15:48:49) primaluxsum: also i went to possibly the stupidest club last night
(15:49:25) Bas: do tell
(15:49:26) primaluxsum: but then i met a big black man who dressed as some sort of "old big black woman" drag queen
(15:49:42) primaluxsum: and a homeless man who like to smoke weed and hated george w bush
(15:49:43) primaluxsum: haha
(15:50:04) primaluxsum: like desi was referred to this club thing cause it was like "fashion" crap
(15:50:16) primaluxsum: like they have a fashion show during the club and all of this
(15:50:26) primaluxsum: so she went down there to do makeup and like network and whatnot
(15:50:43) primaluxsum: so me and chris went with her and our friend ryan showed up too
(15:50:54) primaluxsum: and was in this tiny dive bar
(15:50:59) primaluxsum: that looked like an old strip club
(15:51:06) primaluxsum: called "the san diego sports bar"
(15:51:10) primaluxsum: and it was all old dudes
(15:51:19) primaluxsum: it was chill...also it was in the back of an alley
(15:51:20) primaluxsum: hahaha
(15:51:41) primaluxsum: and then the back of the bar they just hung big black curtains and behind that was the "club"
(15:51:49) primaluxsum: and it was the stupidest thing ever
(15:51:54) primaluxsum: we were all like "what the fuck"
(15:51:55) primaluxsum: haha
(15:52:14) primaluxsum: so we just got drunk and made fun of hipsters having to mingle with "old drunks"
(15:52:14) primaluxsum: hahaha
(15:52:26) primaluxsum: and these girls seriously thought they were straight up the shit
(15:52:30) primaluxsum: all of the "models"
(15:52:32) primaluxsum: it was hilarious
(15:52:50) primaluxsum: and i kept going out to smoke and never actually saw the "fashion show"
(15:52:51) primaluxsum: hahaha
(15:53:01) Bas: hahaha
(15:53:04) primaluxsum: but according to chris a few girls walked around on stage
(15:53:10) primaluxsum: but they didn't have lights on them or anything
(15:53:13) Bas: lol
(15:53:17) primaluxsum: so they could've been naked for all you knew
(15:53:18) primaluxsum: haha
(15:53:59) Bas: :(
(15:54:07) primaluxsum: but i finagled some free drinks out of dumb dudes
(15:54:20) primaluxsum: and it was a good time
(15:54:28) Bas: hahaha
(15:54:34) primaluxsum: also i seriously looked like a hooker
(15:54:39) primaluxsum: i think there are pictures somewhere
(15:54:49) primaluxsum: cause it was an "80's" theme
(15:54:55) primaluxsum: and like me desi and ryan went all out with it
(15:55:18) primaluxsum: and then we get there and all of the chicks were like..wearing normal clothes and would just put like "leg warmers" on or something
(15:55:27) primaluxsum: cause you know...they still have to look hip after all

It was super silliness. Going out and hanging with friends was rad though.Yay for that. There will be pictures soon.

1 comment:

garth2 said...

one day, when des was getting her hair done, my friend tolek and i walked all the way down to that bar from hillcrest and played pool for four hours. it was full of old drunks then too