Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Another A+ plan, this time from my other ex-boyfriend.

(9:08:06 AM) Charles: can you pre-program common text messages into your phone so you can send form letter like texts?
(9:08:13 AM) Marie: yes, yes you can
(9:08:55 AM) Charles: you should write up common ones with like "Dear {your name} , This generic text is to let you know that you are boring. fuck off. -The Mgmt"
(9:09:11 AM) Marie: haha
(9:09:18 AM) Charles: and only use canned responses with people you no longer want to talk to
(9:09:52 AM) Charles: like have 3 of them, first contact niceish one from the management, 2nd one from your lawyer
(9:10:13 AM) Charles: and the 3rd a threat of sending to douche bag collections
(9:10:42 AM) Charles: my plan is wonderful
(9:11:04 AM) Charles: also document it on a blog called "You failed to fuck me twice."
(9:11:08 AM) Marie: HA


charles said...

I'm the other ex boyfriend? Why not just call me Charles? OEB. OEB is lame.

P.S. my Human Verification is "SIONIST" It seems my dad was correct about his Zion xB.

Marie said...

Ha, well because the first "A+ Plan" post was from Chris, who is my most recent ex-boyfriend. Apparently all the amusing ideas regarding my sex life come from my exes. And that makes them all the more hilarious.