Nick Cave. Shane McGowan. I Put a Spell on You.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Bourbonhawk: Bird Detective
Logan took some awesome snaps of me at work:
For those not in the know, Bourbonhawk is my MAGANRORD alias.
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Friday, February 26, 2010
Ryan Adams at Austin City Limits- To Be Young
Great, great song. Ryan is funny as fuck. LOVE.
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Quote of the day:
Chris: "if you get any more jerz up in your vag we're going to have to give it a 609 area code"
It's so true.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Quote of the night:
"You know what I want babe? Cool guys like you out of my life"
Nothing makes me feel as good as Heathers. Nothing legal anyway.
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Monday, February 22, 2010
It's hard to find anything that tops Okkervil River in the lyrics department
Hot breath
rough skin,
warm laughs and smiling,
the loveliest words
whispered and meant
you like all these things.
But, though you like all these things
you love a stone.
You love a stone,
because it's smooth and it's cold.
And you'd love most
to be told
that it's all your own.
You love white veins,
you love hard grey,
the heaviest weight,
the clumsiest shape,
the earthiest smell,
the hollowest tone
you love a stone.
And I'm found too fast,
called too fond of flames,
and then I'm phoning my friends,
and then I'm shouldering the blame,
while you're picking pebbles
out of the drain,
miles ago.
You're out singing songs,
and I'm down shouting names
at the flickerless screen,
going fucking insane.
Am I losing my cool,
overstating my case?
Well, baby what can I say?
You know I never claimed
that I was a stone.
And you love a stone.
You love white veins,
you love hard grey,
the heaviest weight,
the clumsiest shape,
the earthiest smell,
the hollowest tone
you love a stone.
You love a stone,
because it's dark and it's old,
and if it could start
being alive
you'd stop living alone.
And I think I believe that,
if stones could dream,
they'd dream of being laid
and turned into a castle
for some towering queen
they're unable to know.
And when that queen's daughter
came of age,
I think she'd be lovely
and stubborn and brave,
and suitors would journey
from kingdoms away
just to make themselves known.
And I think that I know the bitter dismay of a lover who brought
fresh bouquets every day
when she turned him away
to remember some knave
who once gave
just one rose, one day, years ago.
Posted by
Sunday, February 21, 2010
My life feels like My Life again.
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And I looked at the sky, and knew someday I'd die, and then everything would be alright..
What did you do when you saw that I'd gone
did you stand very still and did tears come falling?
O you want that picture don't you darling
of poor little me standing there bawling?
well it's true that I cried
but then I went outside
and I stood very still in the night
and I looked at the sky
and knew someday I'd die
and then everything would be all right
it's all right
and everything comes
down to this
that everything there ever was
or will be
is all there is
Where did you go once you'd wrote me that note
was a weight lifted off of your shoulders did you fly?
O you want that picture, don't you darling
of heartless cold me
flying not falling?
well, it's true that I soared
but then I went outdoors
and I stood very still in the night
and I looked at the sky
and knew someday I'd die
and then everything would be all right
it's all right
and everything comes
down to this
that everything there ever was
or will be
is all there is
Posted by
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
(8:46:17 PM) Marie: ok so i'm in the process of setting up dates number 2 and 3 for this week
(8:46:23 PM) Marie: if i respond to this other guy i'll have 4
(8:46:24 PM) Marie: ha
(8:46:36 PM) Chris: jaysus
(8:46:41 PM) Chris: don't get raped
(8:46:59 PM) Marie: dudes should be scared of me raping them
(8:47:05 PM) Chris: they are
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Blue Valentines
Valentines Day has never been a day that's meant much to me, whether
I'm in a relationship or not. The only memory I even seem to have
attached to February 14th is that it was the day I was supposed to
move back to San Diego from New Jersey and instead got stuck in a
blizzard in Philadelphia and had to stay there overnight. So a pretty
miserable memory.
Growing up I would sometimes celebrate the Roman Lupercalia,
though in a more symbolic way than an actual Roman-style celebration.
Back in "Roman times" males would run around whipping women to ensure
marriage and fertility. I suppose I did get pretty damn whipped this
year, but figuratively, not in the super fun kinky way.
I sort of always figured I would end up exactly where I am and being
right is always nice. I'm really fucking grateful for my friends,
every single one of whom came through for me in any way they could. On
the way home from getting absolutely wasted with Chris and Josh, I
found a white dove hanging out on the sidewalk. It was obviously
someone's pet because it was very tame and it couldn't fly. All its
flight feathers had been clipped. I was pretty sad I couldn't take it
with me and in my drunk state was sure it was going to get hit by a
car and die. I'm used to my dreams being ridiculously symbolic, but
fuck if I've ever had my life be.
Posted by
Monday, February 08, 2010
PONY SHOTS: To "just fucking"!
If anyone gave me this, I might be forced to swoon.
It would be a mild swooning though. I'm all better.
The Bone Zone is being updated again. MAGANRORD is getting a shit ton of attention. It's pretty damn exciting. It's also made me busy as fuck. I like it.
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