I feel like I've done more living in the past 5 or so months that I've been here than I've done in the last 10 years of my life, minus a few months here and there. I'm pretty sure I've found the happy nihilism. Things are a little intense.
Valerie is coming up for Hardly Strictly Bluegrass next weekend which should be awesome. I realized yesterday that because I'm taking the time off that she's gonna be here I'm only going to be working for 5 days in the next two weeks. Which is also kind of awesome. Ha.
In other news, I woke up with a spontaneous cold on Sunday morning. I think the universe is seriously fucking with me. I went to sleep this evening at about 8:30, and I am now awake again at midnight thanks to a boyfriend who has decided to start sleeping in the bed with me again even though he has some face infection bullshit that makes him snore and breathe all fucked up and generally just keep my ass awake. So now we've switched places and I'm staying in the living room. And I'm hopped up on DXM and Afrin.
I miss way too many people right now, for too many different reasons. It's good for me though. I think it may possibly "build character" even, though fuck if I know what I would want that for. I've got more than enough character to go around. I am fucking infectious, watch out.
Oh, and I think I'm finally getting the warning label tattoo sometime later this week. Let's see how the universe likes that one.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wild and What it seems
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Labels: Life
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Good God Damn
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds were fucking F L A W L E S S.
He has ruined me for all other musicians. All other men too, I think.
I had to remind myself to breathe. A lot.
Warren is my total #2 badass musician crush of the moment.
And I'm convinced that he and Nick are secret lovers. The chemistry there is fucking sweaty and raw.
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
It's the devil I love.
This is fucking make-me-crazy insanely beautiful. I kinda wanna die it's so good.
These two stage performances where they sew their skin together. This makes me queasy. And also kinda turns me on.
Good lord.
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Friday, September 05, 2008
A funny thing I learned at work today...
European guys dress like gay men when it's hot outside. Lots of designer wife beaters and like board shorts and camo shorts and such. It's very confusing when I'm trying to flirt with them. I'm sure I winked at all the wrong people due to this. It was madness.
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Haiku: Ode to the guys I see on my way to work
Business boys downtown
Wearing ties and shiny shoes
I should defile you
They must be the male equivalent of "sexy librarian" to my brain.
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Thursday, September 04, 2008
Mixtape Madness
So I've been making some mixtapes this morning.
I wish muxtape was still around because it was way better than what I'm using now, which is 8tracks. 8tracks only lets you play the songs in the order you put them in the first time you listen to the mix, which pretty much fucking defeats the purpose of making a mixtape as far as I'm concerned. I may just start throwing them in a zip file and just hosting them myself if they don't fix that. I guess it has something to do with licensing.
Anyway.......here's the first one! all full of gothy goodness.
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