(14:41:40) Bas: im going to blog about you
(14:41:44) Bas: :D
(14:43:25) Bas: oh man everyone must be typing into blogosphere right now
(14:43:31) Bas: it's slow
(14:45:00) Marie: hahaha
(14:52:47) Marie: YAY!
(14:53:21) Bas: i hope the b-sphere approves
(14:53:36) Bas: it seems to be taking it into consideration
(14:53:41) Marie: haha
(14:53:53) Marie: "hrm....is this enough emo-faggotry to qualify?"
(14:53:59) Bas: haha
(14:54:00) Bas: yez
(14:54:11) Bas: woohoo
(14:54:13) Bas: it went through
(14:54:25) Marie: yay
(14:54:27) Bas: ofcourse you're just a cog in a large scheme to get me laid
(14:54:29) Bas: but still
(14:54:35) Bas: *larger
(14:56:07) Bas: I HAIKUD FOR YOU MARIE
(14:56:17) Marie: i can't read it
(14:56:22) Bas: oh the fuck
(14:56:23) Marie: it keeps giving me errors
(14:56:26) Marie: fuck you myspace!
(14:56:30) Bas: the blogosphere is whimsical today
(14:56:42) Marie: haha
(14:59:05) Bas: the blogosphere is probably collapsing into itself
(14:59:08) Marie: hahahaha
(14:59:16) Bas: all the emo bullshit has made it commit suicide
(14:59:20) Marie: i'm so posting this convo
(14:59:31) Bas: haha
(14:59:31) Marie: with all your blogosphere references
Thursday, August 31, 2006
What is this...."blogosphere"...you speak of?
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I've got two names for you...
Lance Henriksen. Sasquatch. I am so fucking excited. Seriously, this is better than the whole Bourdain/Garver thing.
P.S. I need someone to watch shitty SciFi channel movies with.
Posted by
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Something something bored of titles....
So last night Raeven, Charles, and I went to a hip-hop show.
White kids love hip-hop:
I look high in all of these pictures:
I don't think Charles was terribly entertained:
Like I said.....HIGH:
Came home this morning, took a 4 hour nap, now I'm searching for something else. I suppose there will be more later.
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I am such a fag
(15:28:26) Charles: friends are just people who have yet to fuck you over
(15:28:33) Marie: no
(15:28:39) Charles: haha
(15:28:43) Marie: real friends are awesome
(15:28:48) Marie: they are just few and far between
(15:29:15) Marie: and real friends are people that you can't explain to other people how awesome they are because they wouldn't think so or get it anyway
(15:29:37) Marie: and that's why you're friends and they aren't
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Typical girls can't control themselves....
I've been painting a lot. I think I've painted more in the past week than I have in the past 9 years. It's ridiculous. It's the only thing I have any sort of attention span for right now. My poor feeds on bloglines have sat idle and unread because I just can't seem to muster the concentration to read things. If I'm at home and I'm not painting, I'm asleep. Mmhmm...I rule.
Watched Jesus is Magic tonight, which was decently funny. Watched Harold and Kumar last night and though I've seen it before I figured out that Raeven is totally the Kumar to my Harold. If that doesn't make sense to you, don't bother asking. It's one of those "if you get it, you get it" deals.
At least there are some good episodes of the X-Files on tonight. Yay, late night reruns. I've also got Blade Runner and Dead Poets Society siting atop my dvd player. Blade Runner cause... well... yeah....and Dead Poets Society because I saw a commercial for House and Robert Sean Leonard was in it and all I could think of was "Neal! Oh Neal, oh god my son!!" "He's ok! He's ok!" That good old knee-slapper, "suicide", just can't be beat.
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
You want the good news or the bad news?
Bad news first: I've never felt like this in my life. I hope I never fucking do again.
Good news: My future husband is gonna be on teevee getting a tattoo done by my other future husband. I think I may just melt into some sort of puddle of ecstasy.
Random: Aaron told me that Laura Kightlinger reminded him of me. Mmmyep.
I hope at some point I become coherent.
P.S. Why is it that every time I flip past Bravo "The Lost Boys" is on? It's always the same part too, where Michael is taking the bandage off of his hand and seeing how vampirically-healed he is. So bizarre.
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Friday, August 25, 2006
It is pretty fucking apt if you think about it....
Tonight I got my fourth hit on this blog from someone searching google images for "hell beast" since apparently my picture comes up on the third page, though this post will probably make that count even higher.
For the past few days I've had that scene from Heathers in my head where Veronica burns her hand with the car lighter. It's all I've felt like doing, just having something overwhelmingly physically painful to distract me. I keep trying to make people punch me in the face, but every person I've asked is apparently too nice or something. Anyway. Tonight it was on tv and we started watching it right before that point. I still believe that is one of the best movies ever made. It does amazing things to my brain. Not necessarily good things though.
My whole body hurts right now. Unfortunately it's not the overwhelming physical pain that I'm looking for. Tomorrow may just kill me though, so that's something.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I'm going to bed now...
after a night of drinking that didn't help. I hope I don't wake up. Unless it's waking up from this reality.
Yes, melodrama is in full effect. If it doesn't work for you, fuck yourself.
Posted by
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I'm totally eating Fun Dip right now...
and that's about the only good thing I've got in my life at the moment. Wooo.
Enjoy these pictures that Charles posted on his blog of the pirate map inprogress thingy.
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Friday, August 11, 2006
Recap of my night last night...
for no particular reason other than I took pictures so I must share them.
Went to hang out with Charles and Brett at their place. Becky was supposed to come over so that Brett could woo her with his Nativeness but she had a flight out Friday morning that she had to get to extra early because of stupid incresed terror level whatnots.
So Brett wooed us with his Nativeness instead:
Charles and I wrestled the other night and I ended up with a bruise in the grid pattern from his studded and spiked belt. So he and Garth played tic-tac-toe on it:
Charles and I then went in his room and he started drawing on his wall:
He wasn't happy with the flower, so I took over the work on that and he started coloring the other two pieces in:
Hooray for Artfagginess! I also updated the UKK with pictures from the pirate map Charles has been working on above the fireplace at their condo.
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Old pictures and whatnot
So I've been going through 8 and a half gigs worth of backups that I have and I've found a lot of old pictures that I never put online or that actually predate my time online....such as this lovely gem of me in my goth days:
or this one of me before I started coloring my hair
There is more goodness over at my picasa gallery and I'll be adding new pics and galleries in the coming days as well.
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Monday, August 07, 2006
Las Vegas
So here's the recap since the S.F. trip.....Went up to LA to see Chris on Tuesday, that was goodness. Wednesday night Ross flew down, Charles and I went and picked him up. Though Ross was supposed to be staying at my house, what really ended up happening was that we would get drunk at Charles' house, pass out, drive back to my house in the morning and take naps all day. Friday afternoon Charles left work early and we headed out to Vegas. We got stuck in so much traffic that we didn't make it there until about 10.
Once there we started drinking (we brought a cooler full of liquor and beer) and called a bunch of our friends who were in town for Defcon. Walked around casinos in a giant group until someone got the bright idea that we should walk to the MGM. Ross decided that giving me piggy back rides was the way to go so we ran around doing that. Apparently my asscrack was hanging out cause none of my pants fit me so McGettigan put change in my asscrack. I totally made 26 cents on the piggy back ride.
Ross and I got to the escalator up to the MGM way before everyone else so he tried to run up it with me on his back. Bad idea. We fell, ate shit, and got all scratched up. He broke my fall pretty well though. I'm still all fucked up from it. Shit-tons of bruises, scratches, cuts, and soreness.
That night we called Fran when we got back to the hotel and he drove his ass out there. Ross got belligerent and half-naked and bought us roomservice. Fran got in at 5 am, by which time most of us were passed out but we soon woke up to start it all over again.
My pictures are here and here and the captions do tell most of the story. I'm sure there will be more pictures coming, since other people had cameras as well. Highlights of the weekend included getting to eat dinner at Nobu and not having to pay for it and getting a playbill that Eric Idle signed from McGettigan.
In other news I finally saw the Suddenly Millennium skit from MadTV this morning. It was everything I hoped it would be.
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Friday, August 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I am lazy...
seriously I've cought the lazy virus. It's fucking hard to cure.
So here's my SF recap, even though I know Charles has covered most of this on his bloggypoo: Brett, Charles, and I drove up Thursday night, wasn't a bad drive all in all. Got into Daly City at about 3, stayed up talking with Joe Beck til about 5 and then passed the fuck out. Bruised my hip sleeping on his hardass floor because I am a bone sack at this point. Woke up and Ross drove over to Joe's and we all (except for Joe, who was at work) went and got breakfast at this kickass South American coffee shop where everything was about half the price that it would've been down here, and really fucking good at that.
Went back and picked up Ross's car from Joe's and drove to Ross's place. From there took some public transportation to this pretty cool bar, Zeitgeist, where we drank many pitchers of beer and took ridiculous pictures and Charles tried his damndest to offend some gay guys who were sitting at our table. I made friends with them and they gave me beer. Joe and Bryan both met up with us there. Then we left and walked to some other bar that looked like a cave that a dr. seuss caveman had painted in. I was far too drunk to remember most of the time spent there, though there are pictures.
I got the drunk-hungries so we went to this taqueria that we went to last time we were there. Joe and Charles got into a silly argument about music. I threw a few shots in there, drunkenly. Then Charles molested Joe on the sidewalk in front of the place. We decided to go to this bar on the corner of Ross's block that neither Ross nor Bryan had ever been to, though they'd pretty much lived there all their lives or something. By this point Ross had left to go to work. So Bryan, Charles, and I set off with Brett and Joe trailing behind us. At some point we looked back and they were no longer there. We later called them and found out that they'd hopped some public transport to go to the Castro. Mmmmmk. So we arrive at this bar, "St.Mary's", and the bartender is shitfaced. Like totally slurring her words, doing the "one eye pour", etc. She asks if we want our drinks strong or weak and when I say strong she fills each glass completely. Ha. Some half-asian guy that I swear was gay tried to start a fight with Charles because apparently he and his girlfriend were taking offense to some really lame jokes Charles was making that weren't even offensive in spirit. Then he invited us back to his place to "get fucking smashed" or something. We took that as our cue to leave.
The next day we drove to this place called Calistoga. There was some winery there that had an invite-only open house that Ross's family goes to every year. It was super ritzy and we packed like 15 people into a 7 passenger van to get around the whole "this invitation is good for one car" rule. We canoed and whatnot, capsized boats, and all got sore throats from lake water. I passed out while a lot of the shennanigans were going on because we were all fairly drunk off of beer that we brought. On the way there we stopped in some boonfuck town and apparently everyone thought we were rockstars because people were randomly saying hi to us and there was a limo parked out front which they all thought was ours. Fucking surreal.
We didn't do much that night cause we were all worn out from bothering rich people. The next morning we woke up and went out to breakfast at this diner that we ate at a couple of times last time we were up there. Then Brett decided he wanted to get a Lordi cd, because right before we went up we all developed this obsession with "Blood Red Sandman", ha. So we went to Amoeba in the Haight and the Dresden Dolls were randomly performing there. There were no Lordi cd's however, so we left. Dropped Ross off, then headed home. All in all, super fun. I don't think I could possibly not enjoy spending time in that city. Also any time I'm not at home is also good.
Ross is coming down tonight. He, Charles, and I and whoever else are going to Vegas this weekend, to coincide with but not go to Defcon. I drove home from LA last night at 3:30 am. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't tired the whole way home but I ended up having to resort to wearing earplugs to sleep once I got home. I'm still kind of tired. This house is going to be the death of me, swear to god.
Also, pictures from the trip are up on my Picasa gallery. They are rad.
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