Coincidence is neat. As I said before I've been reading a lot of Baudelaire. Friday Desi came over with wine that had a Baudelaire quote on the cork. Today I bought an album with a song called Baudelaire on it.
Friday Desi and I listened to the Sisters of Mercy, who were my favourite band in high school when I was a little goth chick. I told her I wish I had First and Last and Always on CD because I only have it on vinyl and I like it best. Today I found it on CD for 99 cents.
And Joe knows all about my Food Network ESP.
It's really enough to make a girl insane ;)
Tonight I've been looking at art. Art that I don't normally seek. The first time I ever looked at Kurt Halsey Fredricksen's work it made me cry. I was in a fairly bad place though. It's fairly emo, fairly hip, I like it anyway. It's cute, it's everything I never look for in art and certainly everything I never create in art. I like pain too much. From all sides.
Little Rocket is darker but just as adorable. I don't know how people do that. I'm entirely too agressive for it.
Penelope Dullaghan isn't nearly as interesting, but I seriously love "Wall Flower" like I can't describe.
I'm working on some things right now, forcing myself out of my borders and limits and comforts. I dig it. I've also pretty much given up on sleep. It really is for the weak.
Monday, February 27, 2006
"We are more than most will ever find"
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
"everyone's a winner now cause everyone's a sinner now"
Life has been fucking amazing the past couple of weeks. I was in San Francisco for 5 days. I would have been perfectly happy never coming back. It was fantastic. I've barely seen anyone since I've been back and I'm perfectly fine with that. Ha.
I've been such an artfag lately. Reconnecting with my little goth-girl roots I suppose, I've reread Venus in Furs, Story of the Eye, and a shit ton of Baudelaire. And I write this as I utterly rock out to The Brithday Party. I'm so fucking hopeless, but it's a fairly nice surrender.
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Sunday, February 05, 2006
Our bodies melt together (we are one) Post crucifixion baby, and all undone.
May I just start out by saying.....Hotel rooms rule all. I can't even begin to explain it. Stupid ineffectual langauge, so wrapped up in our brains. Some people certainly know how to work it though.
Life is like watching fireworks from a submarine. It's lovely.
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Friday, February 03, 2006
God rides high up in the ordinary sky....The miracle that was promised creeps quietly by.
I'm so fucking manic it's ridiculous. I have this whole process planned out right now. Things are expanding.
Life is random and interesting and ruthless. Garrett and I had a drunken day yesterday. We took what my friend Aaron called "fashion pictures" but in reality we were just trying to be fucking adorable and thought it was hilarious. A professor of mine that I've known forever sent me an email that made me cry, in a good way. I'm not a crier and am so disturbed by this that I haven't been able to respond to him yet for fear that I will cry again, ha.
Synchronicity abounds. For real this time.
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