OK so first things first. Everything older than this post are blog postings that I immigrated over from my MySpace blog, with the original dates and whatnot. I really have no idea why I did that other than I hate to destroy things I write no matter how fucking lame they are and no matter how many times I read them while I'm actually sober and think "I'm seriously ridiculous".
So second things now. I'm listening to the new album by The Darkness. MMMHMMM bitches. I also no longer have a car ...again.. and I shall speak of it no more at this point. Suffice to say this does in no way help my no-longer-impending-but-actually-realized craziness. I talked to Bas for several hours yesterday and pretty much came to the conclusion that at this point I'm dead inside. It doesn't lessen the crazy any but at least I still have all my hair. Whee....
This album is the scheisse. I don't know what else to say.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The continued weirdness of life...
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
A tear of petrol is in your eye...
There's entirely too much going on in my fucking head. At this point I'm enitrely unable to express anything, in any way, at all....it's really weird being able to spell it all out in your head and then trying to make it become spoken or written and just spazming in ineptitude. At least I've got painkillers.
Currently listening:
Door Door
By Boys Next Door
Release date: By 13 March, 1996
Posted by
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I could say that you are pretty. That would make me a liar...
Current mood: ridiculous
I truly believe there is something fundamentally wrong with me. Aside from all of the obvious shit anyway. I utterly hate complements. In the past week or so I've received some truly lovely complements from various people and I feel absolutely horrible about it. It's not a self-deprecation thing at all. I just seriously despise wondering or knowing how people perceive me and how it's different from the way I perceive myself. And complements force me to confront that. And then I feel like I have something I have to live up to. Only I have no idea how. Because I never thought of myself that way in the first place. It makes me want to crawl out of my skin. And into my proverbial cave.
I'm still on my Jens kick. I read his blog-y thing and it makes me sad. His music still makes me happy though, if only in that "happy-sadness,sehnsucht" sort of way at this point. I've also thrown pretty much everything put out by this label into my mix. Arco, Empress and Delaney's "La Nuit on a Toujours Tout" are at the top of my list. There are mp3s on each of the band pages. Go get some.
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Thursday, November 03, 2005
Being sick is the devil....
Current mood: pressurized
So I'm pretty sure I caught the Bakersfield plague and I only have 3 days left to live. God I hate being sick, my ears keep doing that annoying thing where every time i swallow or move my jaw they pop 6 bajillion times. It's super!
I got one of my new pairs of glasses yesterday. Charles has taken to calling me "Queen of the scene". Yeah, I don't know....
Currently listening:
Live It Out
By Metric
Release date: By 04 October, 2005
Posted by
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
One hell of a weekend...
Current mood: enthralled
So here we go:
Friday: I wanted to go see Jens Lekman** in LA but it was Garretts birthday so a bunch of us took a limo down to Hillcrest and went to Hamburger Mary's. Super fun, drank like 2 bottles of champagne and various mixed drinks, then talked nonsense at Garrett and Iann as I tried to pass out half-clothed in Garrett's bed.
Saturday: Went home in the morning, made eggs with rancid oil and gave Charles and myself some sort of food poisoning. Puked many times that day. Forced myself to feel better and then I did so we went to Garrett's Halloween party and I drank much Chianti. I went as Medusa. I rock.
Sunday: Garth, Garrett, Charles and I went to see MC Chris bitches! He played at the fucking Jumping Turtle of all places. The Ergs and Snmnmnm opened and they were kickass. MC rocked the house and we talked to him a little bit and it was awesome and so much fun. SOOOOO much in fact that....
Monday: Garth, Desi, Charles and I decide to drive to Bakersfield after Garth and Charles got off of work to see it all again. We got there too late to see The Ergs but Snmnmnm were great, they sounded much better than they did down here (which I blame entirely on the shitty Jumping Turtle). MC was awesome of course, but the kids in Bakersfield were all lame for the most part. I couldn't figure out if they just randomly showed up and had no idea who was playing or if they were soooo scene that they just couldn't bear to show excitement. Either way, the energy at the show down here was 5 billion times better. I felt bad for them.
We got home around 330. Hells yeah bitches.
**Go listen to some Jens muthafuckas. A bunch of his rarer stuff is free here. Pocketful of Money is one of the most awesome songs ever. Dig around on the site a little, there are more mp3s elsewhere. He makes me happy.
I was just talking to my friend bas about the show last night and I just felt the need to add this:
(17:02:29) PrimaLux Sum: let me just say...if you ever want to go somewhere that is like 90% white people and 90% teenagers who want really hard to be part of "subcultures" but their only connection to them is fashion, then bakersfield is the place for you
(17:02:39) My friend Bas: hahaha
(17:02:43) PrimaLux Sum: i just had to get that out
Currently listening:
Maple Leaves
By Jens Lekman
Release date: By 03 February, 2004
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