Sometimes I wonder if people are fucking serious on here. I mean, I know I'm an utter artfag and I know I'm stupidly gothish and always will be, but honestly. Some people's pictures and profiles make me want to hurt them. They seriously are trying entirely too hard. And here I sit, ridiculously fucking drunk and bitter and I kind of laugh at them but then it makes me sad because they completely think something good is going to come out of sitting on their asses in front of their computer, talking themselves up and making themselves sound deep and intelligent and interesting through quotes stolen from french philosophers. And it makes me so sad that I have to laugh more so that I don't think about how utterly awkward and lonesome this all is.
But I've gotta little Captain in me anyway.
Oh yeah. So I totally took 5 drags off of 5 cigarettes tonight. I am a complete fucking loser when it comes to quitting apparently.
Currently listening:
Orchestrated Rise to Fall
By Album Leaf
Release date: By 08 July, 2004
Monday, August 08, 2005
Posted by
Thursday, August 04, 2005
5 days and going strong.....
Ok so....I've been drunk for 5 days straight......or at least the nights....right now I am ridiculously intoxitcated....5 of Big Sarah's Captain and Coke's.......Alcohol is clearly the only way I can cope with life....hooray for self-med......I made about 5 new enemies tonight...
Currently listening:
Under the Milky Way: The Best of the Church
By The Church
Release date: By 28 September, 1999
Posted by
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
My utter lack of drive....
is fucking awesome. Today I woke up, ate ravioli for breakfast, took a shower, took an hour long nap in said shower, got out, took a nap in my bed for a few more hours, woke up, took a bath, and now here I am. Life is totally worth living....mmmmyep.
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